Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday, December 17
Accl. Geometry - We continued reviewing for the individual portion of the final exam. No HW for Thursday; 1:00 Exam on Friday at 12:00 and 2:00 Exam on Thursday at 1:40.
Tuesday, December 16
Accl. Geometry - We finished the partner portion of the final exam and began reviewing for the individual portion. of the final exam. No HW for Wednesday.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, December 15
Note: We will complete the Ch. 5 quiz on Tuesday and then begin the group portion of the final exam in class. Students will have at least the second half of class on Tuesday and all of the class period on Wednesday to complete the group portion of the final. Students will work in groups of 3 and will be able to use their text and all of their notes on this portions, which will account for 20% of the final exam grade.
Note: Each student will complete an individual portion of the final exam during the assigned exam period on Friday. Students should bring their calculator and may bring a one-page handwritten sheet of notes (8.5 x 11 piece of paper). This portion of the final will account for 80% of the final exam grade.
Accl. Geometry - We worked on the partner portion of our final exam.
Note: Each pair of students will be given two class periods in which to complete the partner portion. Students will work in groups of 2 and will be able to use their text and all of their notes on this portions, which will account for 20% of the final exam grade.
Note: Each student will complete an individual portion of the final exam during the assigned exam period on Friday. Students should bring their calculator and may bring a one-page handwritten sheet of notes (8.5 x 11 piece of paper). This portion of the final will account for 80% of the final exam grade.
Friday, December 12
Accl. Geometry - We reviewed Ch. 7 and began preparing for the partner phase of our final exam. No HW for Monday.
Thursday, December 11
College Algebra - We reviews Sec. 5.6 - 5.8. HW for Friday: Pg. 338 #45 - 48 and #51 - 58.
Accl. Geometry - We reviewed Sec. 7. 3. HW for Friday -
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wednesday, December 10
Accl. Geometry - We reviewed the algebra content that was assigned on Monday - graphing linear equations and solving systems of equations. HW for Thursday - Complete the algebra review worksheets distributed in class.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tuesday, December 9
Accl. Geometry - We worked through Sec. 7.2 -properties of isometries. HW for Wednesday - Read Sec. 7.2 and complete pgs 380 - 382 #1 - 12 and #15 - 18.
HW answers from Monday - pgs 372 - 375
1) Rigid; reflected but the size and shape do not change
2) Nonrigid; the shape achanges
3) Nonrigid; the shape stays the same but the size changes
4) Reflect --> "flip" the figure over the given line
If the given line is the y-axis, then every point (x, y) maps onto the point (-x, y)
5) Rotate --> "spin" the figure around the given point
If the given point is the origin, then every point (x, y) maps onto the point (-x, -y).
6) Translate --> "slide" the figure in the direction of the given arrow
If the given vector is horizontal and has a length of 3 units, then every point (x, y) maps onto the point (x+3, y).
7) exapmle - a boat moving acorss a lake
8) example - a ferris wheel
9a) example - fold the paer so the the two images match up; crease the paper along this fold; the crease is the reflection line
9b) example - creat a segment that connects two corresponding points (one from each figure) and the construct the perpendicular bisector of this segment
10a) example - extend the three horizontal segments onto the other side of the reflection line, measure the distance form the reflection line to various critical points in the orignal figure and then locate the images of these points on the horizontal lines on the other side of the reflection line
10b) shaded square is now in the lower right, the shaded circle is now in the lower left, and the shaded triangle is located to the right of the center line
11) the circle should face due left, the pie shape should face the upper right, and the equal sign should face the lower right
12) 1 reflection
13) 4 reflections and 4 rotations
14) 1 reflection
19) P(-a, b); Q(-a, -b); R(a, -b)
16), 17), 18), and 20 - We will discuss the other problems in class tomorrow.
pg 289-290
1) - 3) - we will discuss in class tomorrow
4) y = -x + 2
5) y = -(6/13)x + (74/13)
6) y = x + 1
7) y = -3x + 5
8) y = (2/5)x - (8/5)
9) y = 80 + 4x
10) y = -3x + 26
11) y = -(1/4)x - 3
12) y = (6/5)x
13) y = x + 1
14) y = -(2/9)x + (43/9)
Pg 348
1) (-0.5, 3)
2) (-3, -3)
3) (0.4, 3)
4) (7, -2)
5) infinite solutions
6) no solution
9a) Plan A: y = 4x + 20 and Plan B: y = 7x; x = 6 hr 40 min and y = $46.67
9b) The point of intersection shows where the two plans have the same cost
9c) Plan B; $50 will get you 75 hours with Plan A
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday, December 8
Accl. Geometry - We completed the Ch. 4 test and began working on Sec. 7.1. HW for Tuesday - pg. 372 - 375 #1 - 4 and #16 - 20. Additionally, the following algebra review problems were assigned: pgs 289 - 290 #1 - 14 and pg 348 - 349 #1 - 6 and #9.
Friday, December 5
Accl. Geometry - We completed the Ch. 4 Test in class. No HW for Monday.
Thursday, December 4
Accl. Geometry - We reviewed for tomorrow's Chapter 4 test. No HW for Friday.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wednesday, December 3
Note: We will take a quiz on Friday covering Sec. 5.2, 5.4 - 5.5.
Accl. Geometry - We discussed the HL Thm for proving 2 triangles are congruent. HW for Thursday - complete worksheet packet.
Note: We will take a test on Friday covering Ch. 4.
Tuesday, December 2
Accl. Geometry - We continued our discussion of proving congruent triangles. HW for Wednesday - Complete review packet.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Monday, December 1
Accl. Geometry - We continued our work with congruent triangles. HW for Tuesday - complete proof packet and Sec. 4.6 #1 - 11 and #13 - 15.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tuesday, November 25
Accl. Geometry - We continued our discussion of proving congruent triangles. HW for Monday - complete practice worksheets.
Monday, November 24
Accl. Geometry - We discussed wayst to prove tow trinagles are congruent - Sec. 4.4 - 4.5. HW for Tuesday - pgs. 224 - 225 #1 - 19 (omit #18); pgs. 229 - 230 #1 - 19.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday, November 21
Accl. Geometry - In the 1:00 class, we completed a quiz covering Sec. 4.1 -4.3. In the 2:00 class, we reviewed Sec. 4.1 - 4.3. HW for Monday - complete the worksheets assigned in class.
Thursday, November 20
Accl. Geometry - During the 1:00 class, we reviewed for Friday's quiz covering Sec. 4.1 - 4.3. In the 2:00 class, we took the quiz. In both classes, there is no HW for Friday.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 19
Note - We will quiz Sections 4.5 - 4.8 on Thursday, November 20 (TOMORROW).
Accl. Geometry - We discussed the inequalities of a triangle - Sec. 4.3. HW for Thursday - 218 - 219 #1 - 16 and #19 - 23.
Note - The 1:00 class will quiz Sec. 4.1 - 4.3 on Friday, November 21, and the 2:00 section will quiz the same sections on Thursday, November 20.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 18
We will take a quiz covering Sec. 4.5 - 4.8 on Thursday, Nov. 20 and a test covering Chapter 4 on Tuesday, Nov. 25. Please make arrangements to take the test ahaed of time if you wil not be in class on the day of the test.
Accl. Geometry - We discussed Sec. 4.2. HW for Wednesday - complete the Isosceles Triangle sketch we started in class and pgs. 208 - 209 #1 - 10.
We will take a quiz covering Sec. 4.1 - 4.3 on Thursday, Nov. 20.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, November 17
Accl. Geometry - We began our discussion of Chapter 4, focusing on Sec. 4.1. HW for Tuesday - pgs. 203 - 205 #2 - 9, #17 - 18, #20 - 24.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday, November 14
Accl. Geometry - We completed our discussion of Chapter 3. HW for Monday - Take Home Test is due at the start of the hour on Monday.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thursday, November 13
Accl. Geometry - We continued our work in Sec. 3.7 and 3.8. HW for Friday - pgs. 181 - 184 #1 - 11 and #22 - 26 and pgs. 188 - 190 #1 - 5, 7, 14, 16.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday, November 12
Accl. Geometry - We Began our discussion of Sec. 3.7 and 3.8. No HW for Thrusday.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday, November 10
Accl. Geometry - We continued our discussion of constructions, focusing on Sec. 3.5. HW for Wednesday - pgs 160 - 162 #1 - 8 and #14 - 16 and pgs 164 - 166 #1 - 10 and #17.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Friday, November 8
Accl. Geometry - We continued our discussion of constructions. HW for Monday - complete the construction worksheet reviewing copying and bisecting angles and segments.
Thursday, November 6
Accl. Geometry - We continued our discussion of consructions, focusing on Sec. 3.4. HW for Friday - pgs 156 - 157 #1 - 5 and #10 - 12.
Wednesday, November 5
Accl. Geometry - We continued our discussion of constructions, focusing on Sec. 3.3. HW for Thursday - Explain how to construct a 90, 45, 60 and 30 degree angle.
Tuesday, November 4
Accl. Geometry - We began our discussion of Ch. 3 by viewing several video clips online. The links to these clips are available on my webpage. HW for Wednesday - Complete Sec. 3.1 and 3.2 worksheets.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Monday, November 3
Accl. Geometry - We completed our Chapter 2 Test. No HW for Tuesday.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 31
Accl. Geometry - We completed our preparation for the Ch. 2 Test on Monday. HW for Monday - prepare for the test.
Thursday, October 30
Accl. Geometry - We reviewed both quizzes from Chapter 2 in preparation for the chapter test on Monday, Nov. 3. HW for Firday - complete the worksheet that was assigned on Wed.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 29
Accl. Geometry - We completed our 2nd quiz in Ch. 2 (Sec. 2.5 - 2.6, proofs, conditionals). HW for Thursday - Take Home portion of the quiz.
Tuesday, October 28
Accl. Geometry - We reviewed for tomorrow's quiz covering Sec. 2.5 - 2.6, proofs, and conditional statements. HW for Wednesday - complete 2.4 Extra Practice worksheet and pgs. 141 - 142 #19 - 21 and #23 - 25.
Monday, October 27
Accl. Geometry - We continued our discussion of proofs and reviewed the concepts surrounding slope of a line. HW for Tuesday - complete pg. 136 #1 - 9 and the proof worksheet (will be collected).
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 24
Accl. Geometry - We completed our discussion of Sec. 2.6. HW for Monday - pg. 131 #1 - 26, omit #8.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thursday, October 23
Accl. Geometry - We bagan our discussion of Sec. 2.6, including a discussion of conditional statements. HW for Friday - complete #8 on Conditionals Wksht and all of Sec. 2.2 Practice Wksht.
Wednesday, October 22
Accl. Geometry - We completed our discussion of Sec. 2.5 and two-column proofs. HW for Thursday - pg. 124 - 127 #1 - 28, but omit #12, #19 - #22.
Tuesday, October 21
Accl. Geometry - We continued our discussion of Sec. 2.5, including an introduction to formal proofs. HW for Wednesday - Complete "proofs" of the following conjectures: 1) Supp of the same < are congruent, 2) The < of a LP are supp, and 3) Vert < are congruent. These will be collected at the start of class.
Monday, October 20
Accl Geometry - We began our discussion of Sec. 2.5. HW for Tuesday - From my webpage, complete the Sec. 2.5 Investigation.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17
Accl. Geometry - We completed a quiz covering Sec. 2.1 - 2.4. HW for Monday - Complete worksheet for extra credit.
Thursday, October 16
Accl. Geometry - We reviewed for tomorrow's quiz covering Sec. 2.1 - 2.4. HW for Friday - complete review worksheets.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wednesday, October 15
Accl. Geometry - We completed our discussion of Sec. 2.3 and briefly began our discussion of Sec. 2.4. No new HW for Thursday.
Upcoming Assessments:
11:00 College Algebra - quiz on Friday covering Sec. 3.1 - 3.5
1:00 and 2:00 Accl. Geom - quiz on Friday covering Sec. 2.1 - 2.4
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday, October 14
Accl. Geometry - We discussed Sec. 2.3 and 2.4. HW for Wednesday - Read Sec. 2.4 and complete pgs. 117 - 119 #1 - 35, omitting #9, 12, 13, 21.
Upcoming Assessments:
9:00 College Algebra - Quiz covering Sec. 3.1 - 3.4 on Wednesday, Oct. 15.
11:00 College Algebra - Quiz covering Sec. 3.1 - 3.5 on Friday, Oct. 17.
Accl. Geometry - Quiz covering Sec. 2.1 - 2.4 on Friday, Oct. 17
Thursday, October 9
College Algebra - At 9:00, Mr. Cooney covered Sec. 3.4. At 11:00, Ms. Preston covereced Sec. 3.3. HW for Tuesday:
Accl. Geometry - We discussed Sec. 2.2 and 2.3. HW for Tuesday: Read Sec. 2.3 and complete pgs. 112 - 113 #1 - 20.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8
Accl. Geometry - We discussed Sec. 2.1. HW for Tuesday - Read Sec. 2.2 and complete pgs. 105 - 106 #1 - 15.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesday, October 7
College Algebra - We discessued Sec. 3.2 - families of graphs. We have MAT 323 students teaching in both sections. HW for Wednesday - 9:00 - pg 142 #1 - 5, #8 - 9, #12 and graph #21 - 23; 11:00 - TBD
Accl. Geometry - We completed the Chapter 1 Test. HW for Wednesday - Read Sec. 2.1 and complete # 2 - 18,#22, #25 - 40.
Monday, October 6
College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 3.1. We have MAT 323 students teaching in both sections. HW for Monday - 9:00 - pg 134 #1 - 4, #14 - 27; 11:00 - pg 134 #5 - 25 odd, #31 - 35 odd, #38 a and c, #40
Accl. Geometry - We finished our review for the Chapter 1 Test. No HW for Tuesday.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Friday, October 3
College Algebra - We completed our Chapter 2 Test. No HW for Monday.
Note: We will have pre-student teachers from the ISU Math Dept. teaching both sctions for the next two weeks.
Accl. Geometry - We completed our review for Monday's Chapter 1 Test. HW for Monday - pgs. 92 - 93 #32 - 57.
Thursday, October 2
College Algebra - We completed the no-calculator portion of our Chapter 2 test. No HW fro Friday.
Accl. Geometry - We continued our review for our upcoming Chapter 1 Test. HW for Friday - Complete pgs. 90 - 91 #1 - 31.
Note: We will take the Chapter 1 Test on Monday, October 6.
Wednesday, October 1
College Algebra - We completed our review for tomorrow's Chapter 2 Test. There is no HW for Thursday.
Accl. Geometry - We began our review for our upcoming Chapter 1 Test. HW for Thursday - Complete pg. 80 #20 - 27 and pg. 87 #25 - 36.
Tuesday, September 30
College Algebra - We began our review for the upcoming Chapter 2 Test. HW for Wednesday - Complete the Chapter 2, Form 1A, practice test.
Accl. Geometry - We began our discussion of Sec. 1.9. Homework for Wednesday - Complete the locus and venn diagram worksheets.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday, September 29
College Algebra - We completed the quiz covering Sec. 2.5B - 2.7. HW for Tuesday - Complete Chapter 2 Practice Test, Form 2A.
Note: The Chapter 2 Test will be completed in 2 parts. On Thursday (Schedule A - 45 minute classes), students will not be allowed to use a calculator of any type. On Friday (modified Schedule B - 40 or 45 minute classes), they will be allowed to use their graphing calculators.
Accl. Geometry - We completed the quiz covering Sec. 1.4 - 1.7. HW for Tuesday - Read Sec. 1.9 and complete pgs. 84 - 85 #2 - 11 and #15 - 16.
Note: Be prepared to test Chapter 1 on Friday, Oct. 3.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday, September 26
College Algebra - We concluded our discussion of Sec. 2.7. linear programming. We will have a quiz on Monday covering Sec. 2.5B - 2.7. HW for Monday - complete pg. 115 #5 - 7.
Accl. Geometry - We discussed Sec. 1.8. We will have a quiz on Monday covering Sec. 1.4 - 1.7. HW for Monday - Pg. 78 - 79 #1 - 6, 8 - 12, 14 - 19, 30.
Thursday, September 25
College Algebra - We continued our discussion of Sec. 2.7 - linear programming. HW for Friday - complete problems 2 and 3 from the Sec. 2.7 packet and complete problems 4 and 5 from the worksheet distributed in class (available online)
Accl. Geometry - We concluded our discussion of Sec. 1.7 - circles. HW for Friday - Complete pgs. 72 - 73 #12, 14-16, 18 - 21 and pg. 77 #1 - 7.
Wednesday, September 24
College Algebra - We began our discussion of Sec. 2.7 - linear programming. HW for Thursday - Sec. 1.7 packet - Complete Problem 1 and set up problems 2 and 3.
Accl. Geometry - We began our discussion of Sec. 1.7 - circles. HW for Thursday - pg. 72 - 73 #2 - 9 and #22 - 26 and complete Sec. 1.7 notes sheet part 2 (online).
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, September 23
College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 2.6 - solving systems of linear inequalities. HW for Wednesday - Pgs. 110 - 111 #9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 24, 26.
Accl. Geometry - We discussed Sec. 1.6 - quadrilaterals. We completed the Sec. 1.6 notes/definition sheet and we reviewed the HW for Sec. 1.6. HW for Wednesday - The following three items are all accessible from my webpage:
(1) Open and complete "Geom - Wksht 1.7"
(2) Load and use "GSP - Backyard Dog" - needed to complete Sec. 1.7 wksht
(3) Open and complete "Geom - Notes Sec. 1.7" - this is the definition list for the section
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday, September 22
College Algebra - We discussed Section 2.5 B - solving systems of equations using the row reduced echelon form in an augmented matrix. HW for Tuesday - pg. 106 # 1 - 3 - show augmented matrix and rref matrix.
Accl. Geometry - We concluded our initial discussion of using Geometer's Sketchpad. We turned in our completed worksheets (in-class and HW) to be graded. HW for tuesday - Read Sec. 1.6, create a definition list for all identified terms and complete pgs. 66 - 67 #1 - 12, #14 - 18.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday, September 19
College Algebra - We completed a quiz covering Sections 2.1 - 2.5. No HW for Monday.
Accl. Geometry - We discussed Section 1.5 - Triangles. HW for Monday - Complete review worksheets for Sections 1.4 and 1.5.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Thursday, September 18
College Algebra - We finished our discussion of Sec. 2.5. HW for Friday - Pgs. 103 - 104 #36 - 38, #45, #51 and Pgs. 120-121 #11 - 27, #36 - 42. We will take a quiz over Sec. 21. - 2.3 and 2.5 on Friday!
Accl. Geometry - We completed our discussion of Section 1.4 - Polygons. HW for Friday - Read Sec. 1.5 and complete #1 - 9.
Wednesday, September 17
College Algebra - We began our discussion of Sec. 2.5 - Solving Matrix Equations. HW for Thursday pgs. 102 - 103 #16 - 21, #28 - 32, #34, #40.
Accl. Geometry - We completed a quiz covering Sections 1.1 - 1.3. No new HW assignment for Thursday - complete what was assigned on Tuesday.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tuesday, September 16
College Algebra - We completed our discusion of Sec.2.3, focusing on Multiplication of Matrices. HW for Wednesday - Complete pgs. 83 - 84 #37 - 48 and #51.
Accl. Geometry - We began our discussion of Sec. 1.4 today. We will take a quiz on Wednesday covering Sec. 1.1 - 1.3. HW for Wednesday - Complete Polygon definition worksheet and pg. 56 - 58 #1 - 27.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday, September 15
College Algebra - We began our discussion of Sec. 2.3 - Matrices. HW for Tuesday - pg. 83 #16 - 36 even.
Accl. Geometry - We discussed the Cartesian coordinate Plane. HW for Tuesday - complete Worksheet 1.1 and 1.2.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12
College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 2.1 and 2.2 - Solving systems of equations. HW for Monday - pg. 76 #8 - 13.
Accl. Geometry - We finished our discussion of Sec. 1.1 - 1.3. There was no HW assignment for Monday. We will take a quiz on Wednesday covering Sec. 1.1 - 1.3.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thursday, September 11
College Algebra - We completed our Ch. 1 Test today. HW for Friday - Read Sec. 2.1 and complete pg. 71 #20 - 31.
Accl. Geometry - We finally moved back into our textbooks, reviewing and discussing what we had covered so far in Sec. 1.1 - 1.3. HW for Friday -
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wednesday, September 10
College Algebra - We reviewed for tomorrow's test and began our discussion of Chapter 2. HW for Thursday - prepare to take the Ch. 1 Test in class on Thursday.
Accl. Geometry - We completed and submitted all final reports for the Structure Project. I am very proud of the work that the students did on this project and look forward to developing other projects for them to complete throughout the year. WE had no HW assignment for Thursday.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Friday, September 5
College Algebra - Students reviewed HW and then took a quiz covering Sec. 1.5 - 1.8. They were allowed to use their notes on thisw quiz. Because I was not in class for two days, I'm not sure how mnuch this quiz will count, but I still wanted them to take the quiz so I could get a handle on what areas they need extra work.
Because I was not in school today, student's may still turn in their parent's information sheet on Monday to receive full extra credit.
Accl. Geometry - Students were to turn in their HW worksheet at the start of the hour. They then had the remainder of the hour to work on completeing their Structure Project written report. As it stands now, the report will be due at the end of the class on Tuesday.
Thursday, September 4
I apologize for the delay in updating this site. I have been home sick the last two days so subs and college students have been incharge of my classes.
College Algebra - We reviewed for todays quiz, looking at Sec. 1.5 - 1.8. HW for Friday - Complete the review exercises at the end of the chapter - pgs. 59 - 60 #47 - 66.
Accl. Geometry - Students were asked to check their hw from Wed by opening a handout on my webpage. They were then given the remainder of the hour to complete two worksheets - the Angles worksheet was due by the end of the houe and the Pool Room Math worksheet was to be completed as HW for Friday.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Wednesday, September 3
College Algebra - We continued our discussions of linear regression and piecewise functions using the graphing calculator. We briefly discussed Sec. 1.8 - Graphing linear inequalities. HW for Thursday - from Sec. 1.8 #9 - 14.
Accl. Geometry - We consitnued our discussion of Sec. 1.2 and began a discussion of Sec. 1.2 - Angles. HW for Thursday - Complete the worksheet we began in class, Sec. 1.1 - Subsets of a Line.
Reminder to Accl. Geometry Students in 2:00 Section. To allow some flexibility, we will make the reports due at the end of the hour on Friday, Sept. 5.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Tuesday, September 2
College Algebra - Pairs of students from ISU's Dept. of Mathematics delivered today's lesson - Piecewise and Step Functions (Sec. 1.7). HW for Wednesday - 9:00: pg. 48 - 50 #1 - 19 odd, #28 - 29 and 11:00: pg. 48 - 50 #3, 4, 11 - 15 odd, 19 - 23 odd, 26 - 30 even.
Accl. Geometry - Due to the water damage in the weight room last week, we were unable to test our structures in the 1:00 class today. However, we had a "smashing" experience in the 2:00 class. Maximum weight supported by 10 file folders was 325 lbs! The 2:00 class continued working on their written reports in class. We will reschedule their crash session on the soonest possible date.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Friday, August 29
College Algebra - We discussed the process for using the graphing calculator to find the best fit line for a set of data using linear regression. The entire process is available under "Current Handouts" on my webpage. HW for Tuesday: pgs. 42 - 43 #6 - 8.
Accl. Geometry - We discussed Sec. 1.1 - Building blocks of Geometry. Notes for the lesson are available under "Current Handouts" on my webpage. Grading rubrics for The Structure Project written report and testing guidelines are also available on my webpage. HW for Tuesday - pgs. 33 - 35 #1 - 35.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thursday, August 28
College Algebra - We took a quiz today covering Sec. 11. - 1.5. No HW for Friday!
Accl. Geometry - We continued working on our structures and reports for the entire hour.
Note to Accl. Geometry students:
You may now access our textbook ans associated materials online at
Students in Period 7 use the ClassPass: sondy1pm
Students in Period 8 use the ClassPass: sondy2pm
Wednesday, August 27
College Algebra - We reviewed Sec. 1.1 - 1.5 in anticipation of a quiz over the material on Thrusday. HW for Thrusday - study for quiz.
Accl. Geometry - We continued constuction of our sturctures. Students were given a detail sheet and grading rubric for the written report portion of The Structure Project. Students should complete construction of their structures by Friday, August 29. The structures will be tested in class on Tuesday, Sept. 2. Written reports are due at the start of the hour on Friday, Sept. 5. Final reporst will be submitted both in hard copy and electronically to
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tuesday, August 26
College Algebra - We took a pop quiz covering Sec. 1.3 - 1.4 and then discussed Sec. 1.5, completing pg. 36 #13 - 21 (odd) and #22 - 28 (even) in class. HW for Wednesday - Complete pgs. 58 -59 #11 - 15 odd, #20 - 30 even, #35 - 43 od, and #49 -50.
We will take a quiz covering Sec. 1.1 - 1.5 in class on Thursday.
Accl. Geometry - See Monday
Monday, August 25, 2008
Monday, August 25
College Algebra - We reviewed Sec. 1.3 (graphing linear equations) and introduced Sec. 1.4 (writing linear equations). HW for Tuesday - pg. 24 #12 - 22 even (graphing lines), #25 - 29 (zeros of a linear function) and pg. 30 #12 - 22 even (writing linear equations).
Accl. Geometry - We continued working on The Structures project in groups in class. The research worksheets will be checked for completeness in class tomorrow (Tues, Aug. 26). Construction on the structure will begin in class tomorrow and should be completed by Friday, August 29. Studnets will begin working on the final report in class on Friday, August 29, with a due date of Friday, Sept. 5.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Friday, August 22
College Algebra - We completed Sec. 1.3 - Graphing Linear Equations. HW for Monday - complete the worksheets distributed in class.
Accl. Geometry - We began working on The Structure Project in groups in class. Group and individual research should be completed by Tuesday, August 26. The actual structure should be completed by Friday, August 29. The structures will be tested in class on Tuesday, Sept. 2. The final group report is due on Friday, Sept. 5.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thursday, August 21
College Algebra - We worked in Sec. 1.2 - Composition of Functions. We will complete this section on Friday. HW for Fri - Pg. 17 - 18 #11 - 25 odd.
Accl. Geometry - We continued working in small groups on Chapter 0 of the text. The assignment given on Wed. will be collected at the start of the hour on Friday.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Wednesday, August 20
College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 1.1 - Relations and Functions. HW for Thursday - Pg. 10 - 11; #18 - 21, #24 - 27, #35 - 40, and #41 - 43.
Accl. Geometry - We bagan working on Chapter 0 - Geometry in Art - in small groups during class today. Students were given the following assigment to work on in class over the next two days. The assignment is due at the start of the hour on Friday.
pg. 4 - 6 #1 - 9 pg. 8 - 9 #1 - 7 pg. 12 #1
pg. 15 #1 - 5 pg. 18 - 19 #1 0 4 and #7 - 9
pg. 22 - 23 #1 - 2 pg. 24 #1 - 9
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tuesday, August 19
College Algebra - We completed the Algebra Assessment. Though students will receive a small grde on this assessment (max 10 pts), its primary purpose is to give me an idea of where everyone is coming into the year. HW for Wednesday - Complete the take-home portion of the assessment.
Accl. Geometry - We completed the Algebra Assessment. Though students will receive a small grde on this assessment (max 10 pts), its primary purpose is to give me an idea of where everyone is coming into the year. HW for Wednesday - Complete the take-home portion of the assessment.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Monday, August 18
College Algebra - We reviewed the syllabus and completed student info sheets. Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will complete an algebra assessement to give me an idea of where everyone's algebra skills are. There is no need to bring your book to class on Tuesday, but it is very important that you bring a graphing calculator.
Acc. Geometry - We reviewed the syllabus and completed student info sheets. Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will complete an algebra assessement to give me an idea of where everyone's algebra skills are.
Remember, it is our assumption that each student enrollled in Acc. Geometry has successfully completed an algebra course at the junior high level or scored eceptionally well on the math potion of the EXPLORE Test.
There is no need to bring your book to class on Tuesday, but it is very important that you bring a scientific calculator.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's homepage for assignments and additional information.
Geometry - We began our discussion of Sec. 14.5. HW for Wednesday: pg 61`5 - 617 #7 - 10 and #21 - 24.
Monday, April 21
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's homepage for assignments and additional information.
Geometry - We discussed Sec. 14.2. HW for Tuesday: Study Guide and Practice worksheets for Sec. 14.2.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thursday, April 17
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for additional information and assignments.
Geometry - We began our discuusion of Sec. 14.2, completing GSP - Sec. 14.2. HW for Monday: pg. 596 #9 - 21.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesday, April 16
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments.
Geometry - We finished our discussions of Sec. 11.3 and 11.4. HW for Thursday: Complete pg. 476 #9 - 17 odd and the review worksheet.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tuesday, April 15
Get those taxes done!!!!!
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments, etc.
Geometry - We discussed Sec. 11.3 today. HW for Wednesday: pg. 472 #8 - 22 even.
Monday, April 14
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments, etc.
Geometry - We took our first quiz in the circle chapters today. HW for Tuesday: Read Sec. 11.3 and complete pg. 472 #7 - 23 odd.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Friday, April 11
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments, etc.
Geometry - Our quiz, covering parts and angles of a circle, was postponed to Monday. HW for Monday: pg 746 Extra Practice for Sec. 11., 11.2 and pgs 752-753 Extra Practice for Sec. 14.1, 14.3, 14.4.
Thrusday, April 10
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments, etc.
Geometry - We reviewed for tomorrow's quiz. the quiz will cover Sec. 11.1, 11.2, 14.1, 14.3, and 14.4. Topics include parts of a circle, angles of a circle, and secants and tangents of a circle. HW for Friday: Complete the review packet.
Wednesday, April 9
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments, etc.
Geometry - We completed our discussion of Sec. 14.3 - 14.4, talking about exterior angles of a circle. HW for Thursday: pg. 604 #10, 11, 13, 16-18, 20.
Tuesday, April 8
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments, etc.
Geometry - We spent a second day covering Sec. 14.3 - 14.4, this time discussing secant lines and tangent lines of a circle. HW for Wednesday: Complete Secant/Tangent worksheet.
Monday, April 7
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments, etc.
Geometry - We began our discussions of Sec. 14.3 - 14.4, discussing interior angles of a circle. HW for tuesday: pg. 604 #9, 12, 14, 15, 19.
Friday, April 4
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments, etc.
Geometry - We covered Sec. 14.1 - inscribed angles. HW for Monday: Complete Sec. 14.1 notes sheet, pg. 466 #30 - 35, and pg 590 #4 - 20.
Thursday, April 3
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments, etc.
Geometry - We covered Se. 11.2 - central angles. HW for Friday: pg 466 #7 - 29.
Wednesday, April 2
College Algebra - See Mr. Hochstetter's webpage for assignments, etc.
Geometry - I'm back!!!!! We covered Sec. 11.1 - parts of a circle - in class today. HW for Thursday - pg. 457 #7 - 27.