Geometry Syllabus

Mr. Michael Sondgeroth                                                                                 2016-2017

Math Office:  Rm. 223  (SE)                                             Schedule:  Periods 1 , 2, 6, and 8
Office Hours:  10-11, 1-2, and by appointment                    HW Blog:    
Office Phone:  309-438-3556                                            Math:
Cell Phone:  309-530-2297                                               E-mail:                                            
Materials you should bring to class with you EVERY day:
            1)  Writing utensil – preferably a pencil; black or blue pens are acceptable
            2)  Laptop – any misuse of the laptop/internet will be dealt with according to U-High’s
                        Appropriate Use Policy
            3)  Textbook – Geometry; Holt (2007) – Burger, et. Al. (ISBN-13: 978-0030358289) 
– Available online @ … username: uhigh1 … password: pioneers
4)  Calculator – a scientific calculator (ie TI-30 or TI-36) is required for Geometry
                        Note:  Even though your laptops are equipped with a calculator, there will be test days
when you are not allowed to use them.  Additionally, cell phones may NOT be
used as a    calculator during class at any time.
            5)  Paper – spiral notebooks or loose-leaf paper in a 3-ring binder for submitting assignments
or taking notes
6)  Completed Assignment(s) – appropriate work should be shown

NOTE:  Do NOT bring food, drinks, or gum into the classroom unless instructed to do so by
Mr. Sondgeroth.  Arrangements may be made for students with specific health needs.

Classroom Procedures
            Each day, students should …
                 –  Get to class on time and have assigned homework completed.
                 –  Bring appropriate materials, including writing utensil, laptop, textbook, calculator, paper

            When students enter the room, they should …
                 –  Sit in assigned seats and set out or open homework files BEFORE talking to classmates.
                 –  Respect school property by throwing garbage in trash cans, by recycling unneeded
papers, by keeping feet off desks and chairs, and by refraining from writing on materials
that do not belong to you (desk, chairs, etc.)

Students must practice their math skills in order to master them, so …
     –  Some type of homework activity will be assigned nearly every day.
     –  On many days you will have time to begin (and often complete) this work … use your
class time wisely!

On test days, students should …
     –  Be particularly quiet when you take their seat and do nothing to delay the start of the test.
     –  Listen to instructions carefully and ask questions after others have begun their test.
     –  Remember to bring a calculator to class, as you will not be allowed to use your laptop or
            cell phone.
Grading Procedures
  1)  Students will earn points in this class in one of four ways: a) daily work/quick quizzes, b)
mid-chapter quizzes, c) projects, and d) chapter tests.  One extra credit opportunity per
quarter is generally provided.
              2)  Homework will be assigned almost every day.  On most occasions, these assignments will
NOT be collected, checked, or graded.  They will, however, be reviewed in class,
answers will be provided, and students will have the opportunity to ask questions on
problems/concepts they don’t fully understand. 
  3)  Even though an overwhelming majority of HW assignments are not graded, I will post a
score online to communicate to parents their student’s completion of daily HW
assignments using the following scale:
                        4 – entire assignment is completed and all appropriate work is shown
                        3 – entire assignment is completed but without all appropriate work being shown or
more than 80% of the of the assignment is completed with all appropriate work
being shown for the problems completed
                        2 – more than 50% of the assignment is completed, regardless of appropriate work
being shown
                        1 – less than 50% of the assignments is completed, regardless of appropriate work
being shown
                        0 – student did not attempt the assignment
  4)  On select occasions, HW will be collected and graded.  Each assignment is generally
worth a max of 5 pts.  On rare occasions, points will be awarded for the COMPLETION
of a HW assignment using the scale above.
  5)  Unannounced “Quick Quizzes” covering 1 - 2 sections of material will be completed 2 - 3
times per week.  Students may use their textbook, previous class notes, and prior HW
assignments to complete these formative assessments worth a max of 5 pts each.
  6)  Mid-chapter quizzes covering 2 – 4 sections of material will be announced at least one
day in advance.  Students should expect two of these semi-summative assessments
(worth 30 – 70 pts each) each chapter.
  7)  End-of-chapter summative assessments (tests) will be completed at the end of each
chapter (worth 100 pts), will be announced at least 3 days in advance, and are generally
the only assessments eligible for retake.
  8)  As many as four individual and/or group projects may be assigned each year, no more
than one per quarter.  Students will receive a detailed timeline and rubric for each
project.  Each project has a max of 50 – 100 pts.
  9)  Nine week grades are based on a % of the total points earned using the following scale:
A:  100% - 90%        B:  89% - 80%                       C:  79% - 70%       
D:  69% - 60%                       F:  59% and below
            10)  Grades will be updated on TeacherEase at least one time each week.  It is the
responsibility of each student to regularly check his/her grade for accuracy and to bring
discrepancies to my attention ASAP.
11)  Both a group and an individual final exam will be given at the end of each semester.  The
group exam will consist of 70-80 show-your-work problems.  The individual exam will
contain 60-70 multiple choice questions and 10-15 short answer questions.  Both will
cover all material discussed during the current semester.
12)  Semester grades are calculated using the 90-80-70-60 scale above and the following
- 80% of the semester grade is determined by the both the first (40%)
   and second (40%) 9-weeks grades
            - 20% of the semester grade is determined by the semester final exams
   (15% - individual; 5% - group)
13)  I offer a “Better Grade Guarantee” – a student’s semester grade can be no worse than the
UNCURVED score earned on the individual portion of that semester’s final exam. 

Make-up Work
            1)  Avoid absences whenever possible.  If you know in advance that you will be absent from a
class, contact me prior to the absence to discuss the material and assignments for that
class.  If a student misses class for any reason other than a school-approved field trip or activity, he/she must present an appropriate admit slip. 
2)  For all absences, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was covered in class. 
Homework assignments are updated online ( by 3:30 each
day.  Turn in all late assignments at the start of class and get any notes from a
responsible classmate.  Students should also check the online HW blog for notes or
handouts that may have been posted.
3)  If you miss class on the day of a test, plan on taking the test on the day you return to
school.  If you miss class the day before the test, plan on taking the test on the day it is \
scheduled.  In most cases, the student will review the material during class time and
then schedule a make-up test time later the same day.

Retake Policy
            1)  Homework:  Since most HW assignments are graded for completion rather than
correctness, students are NOT allowed to submit late assignments.  Students absent
from class are expected to obtain their assignment from the online blog (or a \
responsible classmate) and have it completed when they return to class.
2)  Quick Quizzes:  Students are NOT allowed to retake these formative assessments. In fact,
students who miss a Quick Quiz due to an absence of any kind will generally not be
given an opportunity to make-up the incomplete assessment.  Instead, the student will
be given a copy of the answer key for the missed assessment when they return to class.
3)  Mid-Chapter Quizzes:  Generally, students are NOT allowed to retake these semi-
summative assessments.  On rare occasions (ie. extended illness prior to completing
the assessment), students may be granted the opportunity to complete a retake using
the criteria listed under “Chapter Tests.”
4)  Chapter Tests:  Students will be allowed to retake these summative assessments, given
that they …
      – Earn at least 80% of the possible points available from the HW assignments for the
chapter PRIOR to taking the initial Chapter Test
      – Complete and submit to Mr. Sondgeroth the Retake Request Form which includes …
            – student self-evaluation off problem areas on the Chapter Test
            – a list of at least three re-learning activities that the student will complete to prepare for
   the retake
5)  Individual / Group Projects:  In most cases, students will NOT be allowed to redo a project. 
However, students who are disappointed with the grade that they received may
schedule an appointment with me to request an alternative assessment to allow them to
display their understanding of the content covered in the project.

Student Responsibilities
  1)  Show courtesy and respect to your teachers (including subs and ISU students) and
classmates at all times.
  2)  Cheating, in any form, will not be tolerated and penalties will be assessed according to
U-High’s policies.
  3)  Cell phone use is NOT ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM; they will be confiscated and
given to Mr. Evans.
              4)  Listen to and participate in the lesson/discussion each day.  Have the confidence to ask
              5)  Students whose behavior is detrimental to class discussion will be removed from the
              6)  Keep the classroom neat and clean.  Do not litter and do not bring food, drinks, etc.
into the classroom.
              7)  Do your best on every assignment.  Work neatly and carefully on homework assignments
and tests.  Show work when appropriate and be prepared to explain your process for
getting an answer when asked to do so.
              8)  Students who are excessively uncooperative will be removed from class on a permanent
              9)  Bring your laptop to class with you every day and use it appropriately.  Any misuse of your
laptop and/or the internet will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the Technology
Agreement and Appropriate Use Policy.
10)  When absent from class, check the HW blog for the day’s assignment and contact a
responsible classmate to get appropriate notes, etc.  Students should have the
assigned work completed upon their return to class.
11)  Seek additional help as soon you feel yourself falling behind in your understanding of the
current material.  Contact Mr. Sondgeroth for extra help or seek assistance from a peer
tutor in The U-Link Center.

            1)  Students may receive assistance outside the classroom from several available resources:
 –  Come to the Math Office to get help.  Time permitting, any math teacher will be
willing to help you.
 –  Schedule an appointment to work with one of the many college students completing
their pre-student teaching experiences.  They are available throughout the day to
tutor students free of charge.
–   Visit Mrs. McCain in The U-Link Center (Rm. 237) to arrange for a U-High peer tutor
to assist you.
2)  Don’t hesitate to call (438-3556) or e-mail ( if you have questions or


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