Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, October 29

Alg 2 / Trig - We continued our discussion of Sec. 3.6 - Solving Systems in 3 Variables- and began our discussion of Sec. 3.5 - Graphing in 3-D. HW for Monday - Complete pg 224-225 #8, #9, #14 and complete the attached worksheet.

3-D Graphing Simulators:
Click on "Start GraphFunc" in the middle of the page to bring up graphing applet. Change "View 2D" to "View 3D"
and "Single Graphs" to "Multiple Graphs" . Equations must be entered in the form "z = ax + by + c"

College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 3.7, focusing on identifying the asymptotes in the graphs of rational functions. HW for Monday - Complete pg 186 #14-22.

Frosh Geometry - We continued our discussion of Sec. 3.3, focusing on ways to prove to lines are parallel. HW for Monday - Complete proofs 3) and 4) on the back of the worksheet distributed in class and complete the proofs on the last two pages of the note packet distributed in class.

Thursday, October 28

Alg 2 / Trig - We discussed Sec. 3.6, using the elimination method to solve systems of 3 equations w/ 3 unknowns. HW for Friday - Complete pg 224 #1-3.

College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 3.6, focusing on extrema and critical points in a graph using a Geometer's Sketchpad file. HW for Friday - Complete the packet distributed in class today.

Frosh Geometry - We discussed Sec. 3.2, focusing on proofs involving parallel lines. HW for Friday - Complete pg 149 #14-17, #22-25, #27-29 and 158-159 #3, #6, #8, #9, #13-19.

Wednesday, October 27

Alg 2 / Trig - Sophs at PLAN Test; independent work - Be in the classroom by 7:30. Complete HW assigned in class on Tuesday.

College Algebra - We finished our discussion of Sec. 3.5, focusing on the end behavior of graphs. Complete the HW assignment from the book found on the last page of the handout.

Frosh Geometry - We finished our discussion of Sec. 3.1, focusing on perpendicular, skew and parallel lines. No HW for Thursday.

Tuesday, October 26

Alg 2 / Trig - We completed the Sec. 3.1 - 3.4 quiz in class today. Sophomores will not be in class tomorrow, as they have the PLAN Test from 8 - 12 @ Bone Student Center. HW for THURSDAY - Complete pg 198 #1-6 and pg 219 #1-5. You may need isometric dot paper to complete this assignment; download copies at:

College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 3.5 in class today, focusing on continuity of graphs. HW for Wednesday - Complete pg 166 #12-14, #16-19, #21-24, and #30.

Frosh Geometry - We discussed part of Sec. 3.1 in class today, focusing on angles formed by lines cut by a transversal. HW for Wednesday - Complete pg 148 #6-13.

Monday, October 25

Alg 2 / Trig - We reviewed Sec. 3.1 - 3.4 ahead of tomorrow's quiz over these sections. HW for Tuesday - Complete pg 213 #1-19 of "Ready To Go On?"

College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 3.4, focusing on ways to determine the inverse of a function. HW for Tuesday - Complete pg 156 #15-18, #22-23, #25, #29-32.

Frosh Geometry - We reviewed proofs in class and then began our Chapter 2 Test in class. HW for Tuesday - Complete the Chapter 2 Test. You may use your notes/book/computer, but you may NOT receive assistance form another human being except Ms. Dundek or Mr. Sondgeroth.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Friday, October 22

We are on a modified class schedule today to accommodate an all-school assembly in the Large Gym at 2:00.

Alg 2 / Trig - We concluded our discussion of Linear Programming in Sec. 3.4. HW for Monday - Complete pg 209-211 #8, #21, #23, #27-30. Note: We will take a quiz covering Sec. 3.1-3.4 on Tuesday, October 26.

College Algebra - We finished our discussions of Sec. 3.1 - 3.3 and/or took a quiz over those sections. No HW for Monday.

Frosh Geometry - We moved from 2-column proofs to flow chart proofs. HW for Monday - complete the worksheets distributed in class today. In addition, complete pg 127 #8-10 and pg 134 #1-15, #21-23.

Note: Today marks the end of the First Quarter.

Thursday, October 22

Alg 2 / Trig - We continued our discussion of Sec. 2.4, reviewing the process employed to solve Linear Programming problems. HW for Friday - Complete problnes 4) - 6) in the HW packet distributed in class today.

College Algebra -
9:00 - We spent the first part of the hour reviewing Sec. 3.1 - 3.3. We then took a short quiz created by our ISU 216 students. No HW for Friday.
10:00 - We covered Sec. 3.3 in class today, focusing on graphing non-linear inequalities. HW for Friday - Complete the review paket distributed in class today in preparation for tomorrow's quiz over section 3.1 - 3.4.

Frosh Geometry - We continued our discussion of 2-column proofs. HW for Friday - Complete the last page of the proof packet distibuted in class today.

Wednesday, October 20

Alg 2 / Trig - We began our discussion of Sec. 3.4, beginning the process for solving Linear Programming problems. HW for Thursday - Complete the HW packet distributed in class.

College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 3.3 in class today. HW for Thursday -

Geometry - We concluded our discussion of Syllogisms, and began our discussion of 2-column proofs (Sec. 3.4). HW for Thursday - Complete the HW packet distributed in class today.

Tuesday, October 19

We are on Schedule B today to allow us to have upper class meetings from 9:50-10:20.

Alg 2/ Trig - We moved from solving systems of linear equalities (Sec. 3.1 and 3.2) to solving systems of linear inequalities (Sec. 3.3). HW for Wednesday - Complete pg 202 #13-15, #18-20, and #23-24.

College Algebra - Mr. Gross (9:00) and Ms. Anzalone (10:00) led us in a discussion of Sec. 3.2, focusing on families of graphs and transformations of parent equations. HW for Wednesday - 9:00 was assigned in class. 10:00 - Complete pg 143 #14-24 even and #28-34 even.

Frosh Geometry - We continued our discussion of logic, focusing on the Syllogisms, Venn Diagrams, and the Laws of Detachment and Syllogism. HW for Wednesday - Complete the HW packet distributed in class.

Monday, October 18

Alg 2 / Trig - We discussed Sec. 3.1 and 3.2 in class today, focusing on various ways to classify and solve a 2x2 system of equations. HW for Tuesday - Complete pg 186 #8-13 and pg 194 #17-21.

College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 3.1 in class today, focusing on line and point symmetry and odd/even functions. Classes were taught by ISU 216 students - Mr. Gorss at 9:00 and Ms. Anzalone at 10:00. They will be leading our classes all week. HW for Tuesday - 9:00 pg 133 #1-11 and #15-35 in Sec. 3.1.

Frosh Geometry - We continued our discussion of logic, focusing on table and circle logic problems. HW for Tuesday - complete the matrix, table and circle logic worksheets distributed in class today.

Friday, October 15

We had a substitute teacher today, as Mr. Sondgeroth was in Springfield presenting at the state math teachers' convention.

Alg 2 / Trig - We attempted to complete the Ch. 2 Test in class today, but not everyone was able to finish. Those that could, where asked to come into the Math Office during a free hour to finish. Those that could not will be given a chance to do so in class on Monday. HW for Monday - Complete the "Are You Ready?" section on pg 179 #1-24.

College Algebra - We completed the Linear Programming portion of our Chapter 2 Test in class today. HW for Monday - Complete the Enrichment packet that was distributed in class.

Frosh Geometry - Students worked on a Matrix Logic packet that was collected at the end of the hour. HW for Monday - Complete the Table/Circle Logic worksheet packet that was distributed in class.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday, October 14

Alg 2 / Trig - We completed our in-class preparations for the Ch. 2 Test that we will complete in class on Friday, October 15. There is no HW for Friday, other than to continue preparing for the Ch. 2 Test.

College Algebra - We completed the Chapter 2 Test in class today. HW for Friday - Complete the extra credit worksheet packet that was distributed in class on Wednesday.

Frosh Geometry - We completed our discussion of Sec. 1.3 in class today, focusing on the Laws of Detachment and Syllogism. HW for Friday -

Wednesday, October 13

Alg 2 / Trig - We continued our preparations for the Ch. 2 Test that we will take in class on Friday. HW for Thursday - Complete BOTH pages of the practice test packet distributed in class today. The multiple choice page will be collected and graded. The short answer page will be checked for completeness and serve as the basis for our in class review for Friday's Ch. 2 Test.

College Algebra - We completed our in-class preparations for the Ch. 2 Test. There is no HW for Thursday, other than to continue preparing for the Chapter 2 Test that we will take in class tomorrow. However, we dis distribute an extra credit worksheet packet in class today. That packet is due at the start of the hour on Friday.

Frosh Geometry - We spent a good portion of the hour reviewing the Sec. 2.1 - 2.4 quiz that we took in class yesterday. We also began our discussion of Sec. 2.3, focusing on analogies. HW for Thursday - Complete the Analogies Worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Tuesday, October 12

Alg 2 / Trig - We completed the Sec. 2.7 - 2.9 quiz in class today. HW for Monday - Complete the Ch. 2 Practice Test in our book, pg 170 #1-25.

College Algebra - We began reviewing for the Ch. 2 Test which we will take in class on Thursday, October 14. We completed a multiple choice practice test in class. HW for Wednesday - Complete the short answer practice test distributed in class today.

Frosh Geometry - We completed our Sec. 2.1 - 2.4 Quiz in class today. HW for Wednesday - Complete the Sec. 2.3 packet of worksheets that was distributed in class today.

Monday, October 11

NO SCHOOL for students today, in honor of Christopher Columbus.

Friday, October 8

Alg 2 / Trig - Rather than take the Sec. 2.5 - 2.7 quiz, we spent the hour answering review questions and preparing for the quiz. We have postponed the quiz until Tuesday, October 12. No HW for Tuesday, other than to prepare for the quiz.

College Algebra - We completed a quiz covering Sec. 2.5 - 2.7 in class today. HW for Tuesday - Complete the Ch. 2 Practice Test in the book - pg. A57 #1-20.

Geometry - We began our quiz covering Sec. 2.1 - 2.4. Due to the short period, many students did not finish. We will complete the quiz in class on Tuesday. No HW for Tuesday, other than to continue preparing for the quiz.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, October 7

Alg 2 / Trig - We are on Schedule A today, so we did not meet today! Note: We will take a short quiz in class on Friday covering Sec. 2.7 - 2.9.

College Algebra - We concluded our discussion of Sec. 2.7, reviewing procedures that can be employed to solve linear programming problems. HW for Friday: Complete pg 122 #47 and #49-51. Note: We will take a short quiz in class on Friday covering Sec. 2.6 - 2.7.

Frosh Geometry - We continued our discussion of conditional statements, focusing on the relationship between biconditional statements and geometric definitions. HW for Friday - Complete pg 130 # 6-12 even, pg 131 #16-20 even, and pg 132 # 28 and #30-34. Note: We will take a short quiz in class on Friday covering Sec. 2.1-2.2 and 2.4.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday, October 6

Remember - We are on Schedule A tomorrow, October 7.!

Alg 2 / Trig - We completed our discussion of Sec. 2.9 today, focusing on transformations of absolute value graphs and discussing graphs of absolute value inequalities. We are on Schedule A tomorrow, so our 7:00 class does not meet again until Friday. HW for Friday - pg 165 #5-17 and pg 169 #46 and #49-51.
Note: On Friday, we will take a quiz covering Sec. 2.7 - 2.9 AFTER we review the HW from today.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of linear programming, working through a couple of sample problems. HW for Thursday - 9:00 class should complete Problems 5 and 6; 10:00 class should complete Problems 3, 5, and 6.

Frosh Geometry - We discussed Sec. 2.2, focuing on conditional statements and "modifications." HW for Thursday - Complete pgs 84-85 #12-18 and #24-34.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday, October 5

Alg 2 / Trig - We discussed Sec. 2-9 in class today, focusing on graphing and solving absolute value equations in two variables. HW for Wednesday - Complete pgs. 161-162 #9-13 odd, #20-23, and #26-28.

College Algebra - We had a sub in class today, so we spent the hour working on linear programming problems. Students should have completed Problems 2 and 3 in class today and submitted their completed worksheets to the sub. HW for Wednesday - Complete the Sec. 2.7 Practice worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Frosh Geometry - We discussed Sec. 2-2 in class today, focusing on conditional statements. HW for Wednesday - (assigned by Ms. Dendek)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4

Alg 2 / Trig - We discussed Sec. 2.8, focusing on soutions to absolute value equations in one variable. HW for Tuesday - Complete pgs 154-155 #15-31 and #37. Be sure to SHOW WORK to receive full credit.

College Algebra - We discussed Sec. 2.7, focusing on an 8-step procedure that can be used to solve linear programming problems. HW for Tuesday - Complete pgs 115-116 #5 and #12.

Frosh Geometry - We discussed Sec. 2.1 in class today, focusing on iuning iductive reasoning to make conjectures. HW for Tuesday - Complete the Sec. 2-1 Lesson B and C worksheets distributed today in class.

Friday, October 1

Alg 2 / Trig - We discussed Sec. 2.7, focusing on ways to determine the best-fit line for a given set of data. We discussed how to estimate this line using slope and/or points and how to use the calculator to determine the regression line for the data set. HW for Monday - Complete the worksheet distributed in class today.

College Algebra - We completed the 2nd part of the Sec. 2.1-2.5 quiz, this time with the aid of a graphing calculator. HW for Monday - Complete the system of linear inequalities worksheet distributed in class today.

Frosh Geometry - We completed our Chapter 1 Test in class today. No HW for Monday.

Thursday, September 30

Alg 2 / Trig - We completed a quiz covering Sec. 2.1 - 2.5 in class today. HW for Friday -

College Algebra - We completed the non-calculator portion of the Sec. 2.1 - 2.5 quiz in class today. We will complete the "w/ calculator" portion in class on Friday. No HW for Friday, other than to study for the 2nd portion of the Sec. 2.1 - 2.5 quiz.

Frosh Geometry - Due to the length of the Explore testing, our class was cancelled today. No HW for Friday, other than to prepare for the Chapter 1 Test we will take in class tomorrow.