Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 31

Geometry - We concluded our discussion of the special segments of a triangle (Sec. 5.1-5.3).  HW for Monday - Complete pg. 329 #1-11 and pgs. 366-367  #5-8, #11-18, #21-24.

Note:  We will take a quiz on Monday, February 3, covering Sec. 5.1 - 5.4.

Modern Math - We began our discussion of graph theory, focusing on universal tracings (Sec. 5.1).  HW for Monday - Complete this worksheet.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30

Geometry - We continued our discussion of special segments/lines of a triangle (Sec. 5.2-5.3).  HW for Friday - Tonight's HW comes in two parts ...
- from Sec. 5.2 - Complete pgs. 311-312  #12-15, #18-19, #22-32
- from Sec. 5.3 - Complete pgs. 318-319  #12-15, #21-26, #34-37, #41-44

Modern Math - We completed the Ch. 4 Test covering Apportionment in class today.  No HW for Friday!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, January 29

Geometry - We continued our discussion of special segments/lines in a triangle, focusing on medians and altitudes (Sec. 5.3).  As we did not complete our discussion, THERE IS NO HW FOR THURSDAY.

Modern Math - We will complete the Ch. 4 Test in class tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Update on Ch. 4 Retake

Due to the "snow" days on Monday and Tuesday, we will postpone the Ch. 4 Retake until THURSDAY, January 30.  Students still have the option of scheduling the retake at 7:00, 12:00, 2:00 or 3:00.  Please allow 50-60 minutes to complete the retake.

I will be available to meet with students after school tomorrow from 1:00 - 1:30 in Rm 208 to answer questions over the Ch. 4 content.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Wednesday, January 29

We are following Schedule E today ... 1:00 Dismissal!

Geometry - We continued our discussion of special lines/segments in a triangle, focusing on medians and altitudes in a triangle (Sec. 5.3).  HW for Thursday -

Modern Math - We completed our review of Ch. 4 in preparation for tomorrow's test covering Ch. 4.  HW for Thursday - Prepare for the Ch. 4. Test.  Additionally, be sure to bring your laptop and calculator to class to assist you in completing the assessment.

Tuesday, January 28

NO SCHOOL due to the extremely cold temperatures ...AGAIN!!!!!

Monday, January 27

NO SCHOOL due to the extremely cold temperatures!

Friday, January 24

Geometry - We completed our discussion of Sec. 5.1, focusing on the properties of the perpendicular bisectors in a triangle.  HW for Monday - Complete the worksheet packet that was distributed in class.

Modern Math - We continued our review of Ch. 4 (Apportionment).  No HW for Monday.  The current plans are to take the Chapter 4 Test on Tuesday, January 28.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Geometry - Ch. 4 Retake

Students interested in retaking the Ch. 4 Summative Assessment should e-mail me at to set up a 1-hour block on MONDAY, JANUARY 27.  I will be here before 7:00 and students may work until 4:15.

Students should spend the weekend reviewing their old assessments, viewing online videos, and researching topics on related math websites.

Retake grades will be posted by 8:00 am on Wednesday, Jan. 29.

Thursday, January 23

Geometry - We began our formal discussion of special segments in a triangle, focusing on angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors (Sec. 5.1).  HW for Friday - Complete the Sec. 5.1 worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Modern Math - We discussed our final apportionment method - Huntington-Hill (Mini-Excursion 1).  We also updated the Apportionment calculator.  It will be distributed in class on Friday.  No HW for Friday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, January 22

Geometry - We began our discussion of special segments/lines in a triangle, focusing on triangle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors (Sec. 5.1).  HW for Thursday -

Use the GSP file - Bisectors - to assist you with today's lecture.

Modern Math -

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Q and A Sessions for the week of Jan. 20 - 24

Mr. Sondgeroth will host question/answer sessions for his Geometry classes from 3:00 - 3:30 in Rm 208 on the following days:
- Tuesday, January 21
- Wednesday, January 22
- Thursday, January 23

Monday, January 20

No School today in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, January 17

Remember ... No School on Monday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Geometry - We completed the Sec. 4.4 - 4/8 quiz in class today.  HW for Tuesday - Complete the Sec. 5.1 - 5.3 note sheet that was distributed in class. 

Modern Math -

Thursday, January 16

Geometry - We reviewed the practice quiz that we completed in class yesterday (Sec. 4.4 - 4.8) and began our discussion of special segments/lines in a triangle (Sec.5.1 - 5.3).  HW for Friday - Prepare for tomorrow's quiz covering Sec. 4.4 - 4.8.

Modern Math - We continued our review of apportionment/   No HW for Friday.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wednesday, January 15

Geometry - We spent the day reviewing the second half of Ch. 4 (Sec. 4.3-4.8) and completing a practice quiz covering the material.  HW for Thursday - Prepare to take a quiz in class on Thursday covering Sec. 4.3-4.6, 4.8.

Modern Math - We continued our discussion of apportionment, focusing on Webster's method (Sec. 4.5).  HW for Thursday - Read Sec. 4.5 and complete Pg 146-147 #33-40.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Tuesday, January 14

Geometry - We continued our discussion of congruent triangles, focusing on using congruent triangles and CPCTC to complete proofs (Sec. 4.6).  HW for Wednesday - Complete the Sec. 4.6 worksheets distributed in class today.

Modern Math - We continued our discussion of apportionment, focusing on Jefferson's method (Sec.4.4).  HW for Wednesday -Complete pg. 146  #23-32.

Apportionment Info and Calculators

An Introduction to Apportionment
Calculate apportionment using Hamilton's Method
The apportionment method suggested by Alexander Hamilton was approved by Congress in 1791, but was subsequently vetoed by president Washington - in the very first exercise of the veto power by President of the United States. Hamilton's method was adopted by the US Congress in 1852 and was in use through 1911 when it was replaced by Webster's method.

Calculate apportionment using Jefferson's Method
The apportionment method suggested by future president Thomas Jefferson as a competitor to Hamilton's method. Jefferson's method was the first apportionment method used by the US Congress starting at 1791 through 1842 when it was replaced by Webster's method.   

Calculate apportionment using Adam's Method
The apportionment method suggested in 1822 by former president John Quincy Adams as a remedy for the ills of Hamilton's method was never used by the US Congress.

Calculate apportionment using Webster's Method 
Daniel Webster proposed his apportionment method in 1832.It was adopted by the Congress in 1842, and then replaced by Hamilton's in 1852. It was again adopted in 1911. Finally, it was replaced by Huntington-Hill's method in 1941.   

Calculate apportionment using the Huntington-Hill Method
Huntington-Hill's method is the current method of seat apportionment used by the US Congress. It has been signed in law by President Roosevelt on November 15, 1941.

Lowndes' Method  Video

Mr. Sondgeroth's Apportionment Calculator

Monday, January 13

Geometry - We continued our discussion of congruent triangles, focusing on the proof of the isosceles and equilateral triangle properties (Sec. 4.8).  HW for Tuesday - Complete the following:
- Angles Worksheet
- Proof 3 and 4 and the back of Friday's proof worksheet
- The Sec. 4.8 Reteaching worksheet

Modern Math - We continued our discussion of apportionment today, focusing on the paradoxes associated with Hamilton's Method (Sec. 4.3).  HW for Tuesday - In class, we completed pg. 146 #19-22.  IN addition, please read Sec. 4.4 - Jefferson's Method.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Q and A Sessions for the Week of Jan. 13 - 17

Mr. Sondgeroth will host question/answer sessions for his Geometry classes from 3:00 - 3:30 in Rm 208 on the following days:
- Monday January 13
- Tuesday, January 14
- Thursday, January 16

Friday, January 10

Geometry - We continued our discussion of congruent triangles, using previously proven congruent triangles to prove additional relationships (Sec. 4.6).  HW for Monday - Complete the 1st 2 proofs on the worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Modern Math - We continued our discussion of apportionment, focusing on the Hamilton Method (Sec. 4.2).  HW for Monday - Complete pg. 145  #11-18.

Thursday, January 10

Geometry - We continued our discussions of ways to prove congruent triangles (Sed. 4.4 - 4.6).  HW for Friday - Correct the angles worksheet that was returned to you in class today.

Modern Math - We began of discussion of apportionment, focusing on the basic concepts that will be used throughout the chapter (Sec. 4.1).  HW for Friday - After finishing the guided notes sheet that was distributed in class today, complete pgs 144 - 145 #1-10.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday, January 8


Geometry - We continued our discussion of congruent triangles, focusing on proofs that show two triangles are congruent (Sec. 4.4 - 4.5).  HW for Thursday - Complete the worksheet distributed in class and be prepared to hand it in at the start of the hour.  Additionally, complete this work sheet reviewing congruent triangles.

Modern Math - We began our discussion of apportionment, by focusing on a couple of mathematical concepts (arithmetic and geometric means) that we will use later in Ch. 4.  HW for Thursday - Complete this worksheet reviewing arithmetic and geometric means and series.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New this Spring

In an attempt to increase communication, I will be implementing a new texting system - Remind101 - that will allow me to send HW assignments and other announcements directly to your cellphone.

Remind101 provides a safe way for teachers to text students and stay in touch with parents.  All phone numbers are kept private, so no personal information or phone numbers will be shared with anyone else.

To sign up for this totally free option ...
- go to
- click the "Sign up as student or parent" button
- use class code "mrsondg"
- follow the onscreen directions

On the initial sign in page, you will also see two buttons that will provide you (and your parents) with more detailed information on the development and safety of Remind101.  Please contact me via e-mail ( if you or your parents have any additional questions or concerns.

Welcome Back!

It looks like we will finally get back to the classroom tomorrow, Jan.8.  Please bring your fully charged laptop to class with you, as we will continue our discussion of congruent triangles and begin to explore methods for proving triangles congruent.