* Recommendations are based on a combination of factors, most notably a student's score on the algebra assessment administered last May and your performance in Geometry class during the fall semester.
students have expressed an interest in enrolling in Alg 2 / Trig in the fall,
even though I have recommended against it.
To address their concerns, the Math Dept. has adopted the following
* A follow-up assessment will be administered during the first week of school in the fall in ALL Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 / Trig classes. Based on the results of this assessment, your teacher in the fall may adjust your math recommendation AT THAT TIME! I will NOT be adjusting my recommendations this Spring.
* Please
note: Some students may be given the
opportunity to move from Alg 1 to Trig. Conversely, some students will be
highly encouraged to move from Trig back to Alg 1. Ultimately, our goal
is to place students into the Math course that best fits their DEMONSTRATED
mastery of algebra concepts. Departmental guidelines do NOT allow Sophomores to
register in Algebra 2.
For those
wanting to change your math recommendation this fall and move from Alg 1 to Alg
2 / Trig …
* I highly encourage you to complete the ALEKS review program over the summer to prepare for the follow-up algebra assessment during the first week of school in the fall. Your performance on this assessment will be the final factor in determining whether or not you can enroll in Alg 2 /Trig in 2017-18.
is a web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system that
uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine what a student
knows and doesn't know in a particular course.
ALEKS courses are complete in their topic coverage and do not use
multiple-choice questions to assess a student’s understanding of a concept. Their products are currently used by hundreds
of thousands of students in over 50 courses at thousands of K-12
schools and higher education institutions, including the University of Illinois.
Information regarding registration for the ALEKS review program is attached below. If you have any questions, please contact our Math Department Chairperson, Dr. Kevin Thompson, via e-mail at kathomp2@ilstu.edu. Complete the following steps to enroll in the summer ALEKS review program:
* A 3-month subscription to the ALEKS program
costs only $25.00 when purchased through University High School. Please return the completed registration form
and a check made payable to University High School to Mr. Sondgeroth by the end
of 3:00 pm on FRIDAY, MAY 5.
* On Monday, May 8, Mrs. Welter will purchase
all summer subscriptions in one block.
This purchase should be processed by Thursday, May 11. Mr. Sondgeroth will complete the registration
process for all students who have purchased the ALEKS summer review program and
provide them a login and password during class on Friday, May 12. We will encourage all students to spend some
time in the program over the weekend of May 13 – 14 to insure that they have no
issues getting into and using the system.
* Students who miss the May 5 purchase date must contact our principal, Mrs. Markert. She usually sets up a summer review program for incoming freshmen and may be able to submit your registration with that group.
* Students who miss the May 5 purchase date must contact our principal, Mrs. Markert. She usually sets up a summer review program for incoming freshmen and may be able to submit your registration with that group.