Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, October 5

Geometry - During the first part of the hour, we completed our in-class review for the Ch. 2. Test.  During the 2nd part of the hour, we began our discussion of Sec. 3.1, focusing on transversals and the angles that they form.

HW for WEDNESDAY - Complete pgs. 148 - 150  #6-13, #22-29, #35-40.

Assessment Alert:  We will complete the Ch. 2 Test in class TOMORROW - Tuesday, October 6!  Because of Schedule B, we will only have 50 minutes to complete this summative assessment.  Come to class prepared and ready to begin at the start of the hour.

Additionally, Mr. Sondgeroth will be in Rm. 208 from 2:30 - 3:30 pm to answer individual questions with regard to the Ch. 2. Test.

Modern Math - We completed our discussion of Sec. 9.3 in class today, focusing on application involving Geometric / Exponential Growth.

No HW for Tuesday.

Assessment Alert - We will complete the Ch. 9. Test in class on Thursday, October 8.  At this time, the assessment is set to cover sections 9.1 - 9.3 only.

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