Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday - January 25

Geometry - We continued our discussion of congruent triangles, using our recently acquired knowledge to proof relationships that we previously accepted as true (Sec. 4.8).

HW for Tuesday - In the textbook, complete pgs. 276 - 278  #3-10, #22-26, #28-29, #33-34.

Additionally, complete the following proof:

Assessment Alert - Students who choose to do so will be allowed to retake the Sec. 4.4 - 4.6 Quiz this WEDNESDAY, January 27, beginning at 12:30 pm.  As we have a 1:00 dismissal that day, this time frame corresponds with the 2:00 class period and will continue through 2:00 pm. Students should CLICK HERE to reserve a spot for the retake on Wednesday.

Modern Math - We continued our discussion of probability (Sec. 15.3).

HW for Tuesday - Complete the worksheet that was distributed in class BEFORE leaving class.  In addition, read Sec. 16.3 in the text and complete pgs. 511  #36-45.

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