Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday, May 22

Geometry - We continued working on the Group Final Exam.  We will complete this assessment in class on Tuesday, May 23.

Geometry Final Exam Review Sessions 
- Tuesday, May 23:  3:00 - 4:00 pm in Rm 208 - Q&A w/ Mr. Sondgeroth
- Wednesday, May 24:  3:00 - 5:00 pm in Rm 208 - Q&A w/ Mr. Sondgeroth

Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday, May 12

Geometry - We began our discussion of the sgement relationships associated with a circle (Sec. 11.6).

HW for Monday - Complete the study guide / practice worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - Information regarding the second semester final exam has been updated.  Click the "Geometry Exam Info" link above to see the details and to access a review sheet for material that we have covered THIS semester.

Thursday, May 11

Geometry - We completed our discussion of the angles of a circle focusing on "exterior" angles - angles formed by two secants, two tangents, or one tangent and one secant (Sec. 11.5).

HW for Friday - Complete the Sec. 11.6 Investigation Worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Wednesday, May 10

Geometry - We continued our discussion of the angles of a circle, focusing on "interior" angles - angles formed by two chords that intersect in the interior of the circle (Sec. 11.5).

HW for Thursday - Complete the Sec. 11.5 Investigation worksheet that we began working on in class today.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday, May 9

Geometry - We completed the Sec. 11.1  11.3 Quiz in class today. 

HW for Wednesday - Complete the inscribed angles worksheet (Sec. 11.4 in our text) that was distributed in class today.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday, May 8

Geometry - We completed our review in preparation for tomorrow's quiz covering Sec. 11.1 - 11.3.

No HW for Tuesday, other than to prepare for the quiz.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz in class TOMORROW - Tuesday, May 9 - covering Sec. 11.1 - 11.3.

Friday, May 5

Geometry - We continued our discussion of Sec. 11.3, calculating the lengths of arcs and area of sectors and segments.

HW for Monday - Complete the worksheet packets that were distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz in class on Tuesday, May 9, covering Sec. 11.1 - 11.3.

Thursday, May 4

Geometry - We continued our discussion of arcs in a circle, calculating the actual length of an arc and the area of arcs and segments of a circle.

No HW for Friday.

Wednesday, May 3

Geometry - We continued our discussion of Ch. 11, focusing in arcs in a circle (Sec. 11.2).

HW for Thursday - Complete the Worsheet packet that was distributed in class today.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tuesday, May 2

Geometry - We continued our discussion of circles, focusing on tangents and secants (Sec. 11.1).

HW for Wednesday - Complete the Sec. 11.2 notes worksheet that was distributed in class today.

College Algebra - We spent the hour reviewing Sec. 7.3 in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering basic trig identities and equations (Sec 7.1 - 7.3) in class on Wednesday, May 3. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday, May 1

Geometry - We began our discussion in Ch. 11, focusing on the basic segments and lines associated with a circle and with the relationship between circles (Sec. 11.1).

HW for Tuesday - Download and complete this worksheet covering common tangents.

College Algebra -

HW for Tuesday -

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 7.1 - 7.3 in class on Wednesday, May 3.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Getting into Alg 2 / Trig this fall …

Back in late January, I posted my recommendations for your math class for the 2017-18 school year.  I used the following guidelines when making these recommendations:

* Recommendations are based on a combination of factors, most notably a student's score on the algebra assessment administered last May and your performance in Geometry class during the fall semester.

Several students have expressed an interest in enrolling in Alg 2 / Trig in the fall, even though I have recommended against it.  To address their concerns, the Math Dept. has adopted the following process:

* A follow-up assessment will be administered during the first week of school in the fall in ALL Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 / Trig classes.  Based on the results of this assessment, your teacher in the fall may adjust your math recommendation AT THAT TIME!  I will NOT be adjusting my recommendations this Spring.

*  Please note:  Some students may be given the opportunity to move from Alg 1 to Trig.  Conversely, some students will be highly encouraged to move from Trig back to Alg 1.  Ultimately, our goal is to place students into the Math course that best fits their DEMONSTRATED mastery of algebra concepts. Departmental guidelines do NOT allow Sophomores to register in Algebra 2.

For those wanting to change your math recommendation this fall and move from Alg 1 to Alg 2 / Trig …

* I highly encourage you to complete the ALEKS review program over the summer to prepare for the follow-up algebra assessment during the first week of school in the fall.  Your performance on this assessment will be the final factor in determining whether or not you can enroll in Alg 2 /Trig in 2017-18.

*  ALEKS is a web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system that uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine what a student knows and doesn't know in a particular course.  ALEKS courses are complete in their topic coverage and do not use multiple-choice questions to assess a student’s understanding of a concept.  Their products are currently used by hundreds of thousands of students in over 50 courses at thousands of K-12 schools and higher education institutions, including the University of Illinois.

Information regarding registration for the ALEKS review program is attached below.  If you have any questions, please contact our Math Department Chairperson, Dr. Kevin Thompson, via e-mail at  Complete the following steps to enroll in the summer ALEKS review program:

*  A 3-month subscription to the ALEKS program costs only $25.00 when purchased through University High School.  Please return the completed registration form and a check made payable to University High School to Mr. Sondgeroth by the end of 3:00 pm on FRIDAY, MAY 5. 

*  On Monday, May 8, Mrs. Welter will purchase all summer subscriptions in one block.  This purchase should be processed by Thursday, May 11.  Mr. Sondgeroth will complete the registration process for all students who have purchased the ALEKS summer review program and provide them a login and password during class on Friday, May 12.  We will encourage all students to spend some time in the program over the weekend of May 13 – 14 to insure that they have no issues getting into and using the system.

*  Students who miss the May 5 purchase date must contact our principal, Mrs. Markert.  She usually sets up a summer review program for incoming freshmen and may be able to submit your registration with that group.


Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday, April 28

Geometry - We worked on the first part of our Ch. 10 Test covering surface area and volume.  We will complete the assessment in class on Monday, May 1.

HW for Monday - Please read Sec. 11.1, reviewing several basic terms/concepts associated with circles.  Use this sheet to organize your notes for Sec. 11.1.  Additionally, in the text please complete pgs. 751-752  #1-7 and #18-25.

Assessment Alert - We will complete the Ch. 10 Test in class on Monday, May 1.  When preparing over the weekend, you may want to review the answers to the Ch. 10 Practice Test that we discussed in class on Thursday, April 27.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of equations involving trig functions, focusing on verifying identities and solving equations (Sec. 7.2 - 7.3).

HW for Monday - The Sec. 7.2 HW in MyMathLab is due by 1:00 pm TODAY. The Sec. 7.2 HW (part 2) in MyMathLab is due by 1:00 pm on Monday, May 1.

Thursday, April 27

Geometry - We completed our in-class review for the Ch. 10 Test.

No HW for Friday, other than to prepare for tomorrow's summative assessment.

Assessment Alert  - We will complete the Ch. 10 Test in class TOMORROW - Friday, April 28.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of equations involving trig functions (Sec. 7.1 - 7.2).

HW for Friday - The Sec. 7.1 HW in MyMathLab is due by 1:00 pm TODAY.  The Sec. 7.2 HW in MyMathLab is due by 1:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, April 28.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday, April 26

Geometry - We concluded our discussion of density and began our in-class review for Friday's Ch. 10 Test.

HW for Thursday - Complete the Ch. 10 PRACTICE Test that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We are tentatively scheduled to complete the Ch. 10 Test in class on Friday, April 28.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of basic trig identities and definition (Sec. 7.1).

HW for Thursday - Complete the Sec. 7.1 HW posted online in MyMathLab.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday, April 25

Geometry - We extended our discussion of the volume of 3-D figures to the concept of density.

HW for Wednesday - Complete pgs. 2 - 3 only of the density worksheet packet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We are tentatively scheduled to complete the Ch. 10 Test in class on Friday, April 28.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of basic trig relationships, focusing on common definitions and identities (Sec. 7.1).

No HW for Wednesday.

Monday, April 24

Geometry - We continued our discussion of the measures of 3-D figures, focusing on formulas for finding the surface area and volume of spheres (Sec. 10.8).

HW for Tuesday - Complete the Sec. 10.8 Reteaching worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We are tentatively scheduled to complete the Ch. 10 Test in class on Friday, April 28. 

College Algebra - We completed our quiz covering Sec. 6.4 - 6.6.

No HW for Tuesday.

Friday, April 21

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thursday, April 20

Geometry - We completed our in-class review of Sec. 10.4 - 10.7 in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.

HW for Friday - Complete the review packet(s) that were distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 10.4 - 10.7 in class on Friday, April 21.  Please note that this is a Schedule A day, so periods will be shortened to 40 minutes ... COME TO CLASS PREPARED FOR THIS ASSESSMENT!!!!!

College Algebra - We completed our in-class review in preparation for tomorrow's quiz covering Sec. 6.4 - 6.6. 

No new HW for Friday other than to prepare for the assessment.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz in class on Friday, April 21.  Topics to be covered include:
- Sec. 6.4 - Graph tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant functions
- Sec. 6.5 - Write equations involving sine and cosine that model a given situation or data set.
- Sec. 6.6 - Solve basic trig equations involving inverse functions.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday, April 19

Geometry - We continued our discussion of measurements associated wit 3-D figures, focusing on the surface area and volume of pyramids and cones (Sec. 10.5, 10.7) in 7:00 and the volume of pyramids and cones (Sec. 10.7) in 8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00.

HW for Thursday - Complete the worksheet(s) that were distributed in class today.  For 7:00, please download this worksheet.  If you would like to view my answer key (with work) for this worksheet, click here.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 10.4 - 10.7 in class on Friday, April 21.  Please note that this is a Schedule A day, so periods will be shortened to 40 minutes ... COME TO CLASS PREPARED FOR THIS ASSESSMENT!!!!!

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of basic trig functions, reviewing the inverse sin / cos / tan functions in the context of a restricted domain (Sec. 6.6).

HW for Thursday - Complete the Sec. 6.6 HW posted in MyMathLab.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a short quiz on Friday covering Sec. 6.5 - 6.6.

Tuesday, April 19

Geometry - We continued our discussion of 3-D figures, calculating the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders (Sec. 10.4, 10.6) in 7:00 and surface area of pyramids and cones (Sec. 10.5) in 8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00.

HW for Wednesday - Complete the worksheet(s) that were distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 10.4 - 10.7 in claSs on Friday, April 21.  Please note that this is a Schedule A day, so periods will be shortened to 40 minutes ... COME TO CLASS PREPARED FOR THIS ASSESSMENT!!!!!

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of trig graphs, writing equation to model and solve application problems (Sec. 6.5).

HW for Wednesday - Complete the Sec. 6.5 HW - Apps poset in MyMathLab.

Friday, April 14 - Monday, April 17

No School

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thursday, April 6

Remember ... we are on Schedule A tomorrow ... 7:00 am class begins @ 9:00!!!!!

 Geometry - We began our discussion of 3-dimensional figures such as polyhedron (Sec. 10.1).

HW for Friday - Complete the guided notes worksheet for Sec. 10.1 that was distributed in class today.

College Algebra - We continued our  discussion of basic trig graphs, focusing on the cotangent and secant functions. 

No HW for Friday.

Wednesday, April 5

 Geometry - We completed the Ch. 9 Test covering basic area in class today. 

No HW for Thursday.

College Algebra - We completed a quiz covering the graphs of the sine and cosine functions in class today.  We also began our discussion of the graph of the tangent function.

No HW for Thursday.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tuesday, April 4

7:00 Geometry - We completed our in class review ahead of tomorrow Ch. 6 Test.

Click here for the answer key to the Sec. 9.3 - 9.6 Quiz.

HW for Wednesday - Study for tomorrow's summative asessment over Ch. 6 - Basic Area Formulas

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 Geometry - Check out Ms. Brauer's HW blog - - for an update of what went on in class and what HW was assigned.

Assessment Alert - For all sections of Geometry (both Sondgeroth AND Braur), we will complete the Ch. 9 test / summative assessment in class on Wednesday, April 5.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of the graph of basic trig functions, focusing on "complete" graphs for the sine and cosine graphs.

HW for Wednesday - Prepare for tomorow's quiz covering the graphs of the sine and cosine functions.

Monday, April 3

Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday, March 31

7:00 Geometry - We completed a quiz covering Sec. 9.3 - 9.6 in class today

HW for Friday - Complete the Ch. 9 Practice Test that was distributed in class today.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 Geometry - Check out Ms. Brauer's HW blog - - for an update of what went on in class and what HW was assigned.

Assessment Alert - For all sections of Geometry (both Sondgeroth AND Braur), we are tentatively scheduled to complete the Ch. 9 test / summative assessment on Wednesday, April 5.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of the graph of basic trig functions, focusing on "complete" graphs for the sine and cosine graphs.

HW for Monday - Complete the graphing packet that was distributed in class today.  Additionally, complete the short HW assignment posted in MyMathLab.  It is due at the end of the hour on Monday, April 3.

Assessment Alert - We are tentatively scheduled to complete a quiz covering Sec. 6,3 - Basic Trig Graphs in class on Tuesday, April 4.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday, March 30

7:00 Geometry - We spent the hour reviewing for tomorrow's quiz covering Sec. 9.3 - 9.6.

HW for Friday - In your textbook, complete pgs. 641 - 643  #18-20, #31-34, and #35-42.  Click here to see answers for this assignment.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 Geometry - Check out Ms. Brauer's HW blog - - for an update of what went on in class and what HW was assigned.

Assessment Alert - For all sections of Geometry (both Sondgeroth AND Braur), we will complete a quiz covering Sec. 9.3 - 9.6 in class on Friday, March 31.  We are tentatively scheduled to complete the Ch. 9 test / summative assessment on Wednesday, April 5.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of the graph of basic trig functions, focusing on horizontal shifts and compressions for the sine and cosine graphs.

No HW for Friday.

Assessment Alert - We are tentatively scheduled to complete a quiz covering Sec. 6,3 - Basic Trig Graphs in class on Tuesday, April 4.

Wednesday, March 29

Tuesday, March 28

Monday, March 27

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Friday, March 24

Geometry (all sections):  We completed a quiz covering Sec. 9.1 - 9.4 in class today.

HW for Monday - Complete the Take Home portion the Sec. 9.1 - 9.4 Quiz that was distributed in class today and return it to Mr. Sondgeroth at the start of class on Monday.  Be su - re to pay attention to and sign the Honor Statement on the top of the assessment.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec 9.3 - 9.6 in class on Friday, March 31.

College Algebra - We completed a quiz in class today covering the Laws of Sines and Cosines.

No HW for Monday.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday, March 23

7:00 / 8:00 Geometry - We completed our in-class review of Sec. 9.1 - 9.3 in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.

HW for Friday - Complete the review worksheets that were distributed in class today.  Click here for answer keys.

Assessment Alert - ALL sections will be taking a quiz covering Sec. 9.1 - 9.3 in class on Friday, March 24.  This is a Schedule A Day ... Come prepared so you can complete your assessment in the allotted time.

12:00 / 2:00 Geometry - We completed our in-class review of Sec. 9.1 - 9.3 in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.

HW for Friday -Contact Ms. Brauer for additional information

Assessment Alert - ALL sections will be taking a quiz covering Sec. 9.1 - 9.3 in class on Friday, March 24.  This is a Schedule A Day ... Come prepared so you can complete your assessment in the allotted time.

College Algebra - We completed a MML assignment covering Sec. 6.1 in class today.

HW for Friday - If you have not already done so, complete the Sec. 6.1 HW posted in MML.  This assignment is open thru 9:00 AM on Friday.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a traditional (paper/pencil) assessment in class on Friday, March 24 covering everything we discussed in class this week.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wednesday, March 22

7:00 - Geometry - We continued our discussion of the formulas for finding the area of regular polygons and circles (Sec. 9.2).

HW for Thursday - Complete the HW that was assigned yesterday(pgs. 603 - 605  #6, #14, #18-25, #26, #29, #34-37).  Additionally, please complete pg. 615  #1-12 as a beginning to our review for
Friday's quiz.

Assessment Alert - We are tentatively scheduled to complete a quiz covering Sec. 9.1 - 9.3 in class on Friday, March 24.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 Geometry - Contact Ms. Brauer for additional information.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday, March 21

7:00 Geometry - We continued our discussion of formulas for calculating area, deriving the formulas for finding the areas of regular polygons and circles (Sec. 9.2).

HW for Wednesday - In the textbook, complete pgs. 603 - 605  #6, #14, #18-25, #26, #29, #34-37.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 Geometry - Contact Ms. Brauer for additional information regarding these sections.

Assessment Alert - We are tentatively scheduled to complete a quiz covering basic area formulas (Sec. 9.1 - 9.4) in class on Thursday, March 23.

College Algebra - We extended our discussion of angle measures in degrees and radians, moving our discussion to the Unit Circle (Sec. 6.1).

No HW for Wednesday.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Monday. March 20


Geometry -  We spent the hour reviewing the formulas for calculating areas of various quadrilaterals and extended this discussion to find the areas of irregular figures (Sec. 9,4, 9.3 LAB).

To learn more about Pick's Theorem, read this article   or   read this article.  You can also watch this video.

To learn more about Heron's Theorem, read this article   or   watch this video.

College Algebra - We began our discussion of the unit circle, focusing on angles measured in angles and radians.

Read this article for a historical perspective on degrees and angles:  "Intuitive Guide to Angles, Degrees, and Radians"

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday, March 10

All Sections of Geometry - We continued our discussion of the area formula for basic polygons - quadrilaterals and triangles (Sec. 1.6, 9.1, 9.2) 

HW for Monday (March 20) - Complete the Sec. 9.1 Perimeter and Area worksheet that was distributed in class today (by Mr. Sondgeroth).

College Algebra - We completed a quiz in class today covering Sec. 8.1 - 8.2 (Law of Sines and Law of Cosines). 

No HW for Monday (March 20).


Thursday, March 9

Wednesday, March 8

Tuesday, March 7

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday, March 6

7:00 Geometry w/ Mr. Sondgeroth - We continued our review of Ch. 6 in preparation for tomorrow's summative assessment (test).

No HW for Tuesday, other than to continued reviewing/preparing for the Ch. 6 Test.

Assessment Alert - We will complete the Ch. 6 Test in class on Tuesday, March 7.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 Geometry w/ Ms. Brauer - We completed the Ch. 6 Test in class today.

HW for Tuesday - Contact Ms. Brauer for additional information.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of the ambiguous case of the Law of Sines (Sec. 8.1).

HW for Tuesday - Complete the online assignments for Sec. 8.1 - 8.2.  Window closes at 9:00 am on Tuesday, March 7.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 8.1 - 8.2 (Law of Sines vs Law of Cosines) in class on Wednesday, March 8.

Friday, March 3

Thursday, March 2

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wednesday, March 1

7:00 Geometry - We completed our review of the properties of and the conditions for "special" quadrilaterals in preparation for tomorrow's quiz covering Sec. 6.4 - 6.6.

No HW for Thursday, other than to prepare for a quiz covering Sec. 6.4 - 6.6.

Assessment Alert:  We are tentatively scheduled to complete the Ch. 6 Test in class on Tuesday, March 7.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 Geometry - We completed a quiz covering Sec. 6.4 - 6.6 - Special Quzdrilaterals in class today.

HW for Thursday - Contact Ms. Brauer for additional information.

Assessment Alert:  We are tentatively scheduled to complete the Ch. 6 Test in class on TMonday, March 6.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of the Laws of Sines and Cosines, focusing on the ambiguous case (Sec. 8.1).

No HW for Thursday.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz in class on Friday, March 3, covering Sec. 8.1 and 8.2.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday, February 28

7:00 - Geometry - We continued our review of properties of special right triangles and how this information can be used to prove the type of figure that a particular figure might be (Sec. 6.4 - 6.6).

HW for Wednesday - Complete the LAST THREE pages of the HW packet that was distributed in class. today.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 6.4 - 6.6 in class on Thursday, March 2.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 Geometry - Contact Ms. Brauer for additional information.
Click here for the Sec. 6.4 - 6.5 Review Practice Answer Key.
Click here for the Sec. 6.6 Review Practice Answer Key.

Assessment Alert - Ms. Bruaer's classes will complete a quiz covering Sec. 6.4 - 6.6 in class on WEDNESDAY, March 1.

College Algebra - We continued our review of the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines, discussing their use in solving non-right triangles (Sec. 8.1 - 8.2).

HW for Wednesday - Complete the HW packet that was distributed in clas on MONDAY.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a short quiz in class on Wednesday, March 1 covering use of the Laws of Sines and Cosines to solve non-right triangles.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday, February 27

7:00 - Geometry - We continued our discussion of special right triangles, focusing on ways to prove that quadrilaterals/parallelograms are rectangles, rhombuses, etc. (Sec. 6.5, 6.6)

HW for Tuesday - In the textbook, complete pgs. 422 - 423  #9-19, #24-27

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 - Geometry - We began our discussion of Sec. 6.6, looking at the special quadrilaterals trapezoids, isosceles trapezoids, and kites.

HW for Tuesday - Complete the worksheets distributed in class today.

College Algebra -We continued our investigation into "solving" triangles, this time looking at methods to solve non-right triangles ... using the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines (Sec. 8.1 and 8.2).

HW for Tuesday - Be prepared to discuss/complete any problem in the worksheet packet distributed in class today.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday, February 24

7:00 - Geometry - We continued our discussion of the properties of "special" quadrilaterals, focusing on isosceles trapezoids (Sec. 6.6).

HW for Monday - Complete pgs. 412 - 414  # 18 - 31, #40 - 43  AND  pgs. 432 - 433  #4 - 10, #14 - 19, #23 - 25, #27 - 32.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 - Geometry - Contact Ms. Brauer for additional information.

College Algebra - We completed our discussion of Sec. 6.2, focusing on CO trig functions (tangent/cotangent, sine/cosine, secant/cosecant) and converting angle measures given in degrees-minutes-seconds.

HW for Monday - Complete the Sec. 6.2 - pt 3 - Applications HW posted on MyMathLab.  This assignment will be open through Monday morning.

Thursday, February 23

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday, February 22

7:00 - Geometry - We completed the Sec. 6.1 - 6.3 Quiz n class today.  When finished, students began their investigation of additional "special" quadrilaterals (Sec. 6.4, 6.6).

HW for Thursday - Use this GSP file to assist you in the creation of a list of properties for each of the following quadrilaterals:  rectangle, rhombus, square, kite, trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 - Geometry

College Algebra - We used the shortened class period to catch up on missing assessments and to complete a HW assignment covering the Pythagorean Thm and special right triangles.

HW for Thursday - Complete the Sec. 6.1 Pt 1 online HW assignment posted on MyMathLab.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday, February 21

7:00 - Geometry - We continued our discussion of parallelograms, focusing on strategies that prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram (Sec. 6.3). 

HW for Wednesday - Complete the Sec. 6.2 - 6.3 review worksheets that were distributed in class today. 

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 - We completed the Sec. 6.1 - 6.3 Quiz in class today. 

HW for Wednesday - Contact Ms. Brauer for more information.

College Algebra - We began our discussion of trigonometry with a review of the Pythagorean Thm and associated special right triangles (Sec. 6.1). 

No HW for Wednesday.

Monday, February 21

7:00 - Geometry - We continued our discussion of parallelograms, reviewing the properties of polygons, and, specifically, parallelograms. (Sec. 6.1 - 6.2).

HW for Tuesday - Complete the proof worksheet that was distributed in class today.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 - Geometry - We completed a review in preparation for tomorrow's quiz covering Sec. 6.1 - 6.3.

Click here to access Ms. Brauer's answer keys for the 6.1 - 6.3 review worksheets.

College Algebra - We spent the hour catching up on missing assessments following the completion of Ch. 5.

HW for Tuesday - Complete the EC Ch. 6 Pretest posted on MyMathLab.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday, February 17

Geometry - We continued our discussion of polygons, focusing on the measures of their angles (Sec. 6.1) and the properties of a parallelogram (Sec. 6.2).

7:00 - HW for Monday - Complete the polygon angles worksheet that was distributed in class today.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 - Contact Ms. Brauer for additional information.

College Algebra - We completed the online portion of the Ch. 5 Test in class today.   

If you missed class today, you may log into MyMathLab anytime over the weekend and complete the assessment:
- password:  ch5testsondy
- you may use only your graphing calculator and your Ch. 5 note packet (pgs. 474-477)
- 90-minute time limit, but can "save for later" if you can't complete in first siting
- estimated completion time (by MML) is 33 minutes
- all but 2 of 21 questions are identified at level 2 or easier
- window open until 8:00 am on Monday, Feb. 20

No HW for Monday.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday, February 16

Geometry - We continued our investigation of polygons, focusing specifically on the properties of a parallelogram (Sec. 6.2).   Open this GSP file for assistance with today's lesson.

7:00 Geometry - Complete the Properties of a Parallelogram worksheet that was distributed in class today.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 - Contact Ms. Brauer for assistance

College Algebra - We finished the traditional portion of the Ch. 5 Test in class today.

HW for Friday - Prepare to complete the online MyMathLab portion of the Ch. 5 Test in class tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 15

Geometry - We began our discussion of polygons, developing basic definitions and investigating their angle measures (Sec. 6.1).

7:00 - HW for Thursday - Complete the worksheets that were distributed in class today.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 - contact Ms. Brauer for assistance

College Algebra - We began our Ch. 5 Assessment.  We will continue on Thursday (and possibly Friday).

No HW for Thursday, other than to continue studying for the Ch. 5 Test.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday, February 14

Geometry - We completed our Ch. Quest in class today.

No HW for Wednesday.

College Algebra - We completed our in-class review for the Ch. 5 Test.

No HW for Wednesday, other than to prepare for tomorrow's Ch. 5 Test.

Assessment Alert - Over the next 3 days, we will complete the Ch. 5 Test in two parts:  one part will be online through MyMathLab and the other part with be completed in a traditional manner.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Instructions for Ms. Brauer's 12:00 students ...

How to get onto Class Kick:
1.) Go to
2.) Click Student Login
3.) Use your name and code to login
8:00- First Name Last Name, Code:  LO7RL9
12:00- First Name Last Initial, Code: MRDHJ6
2:00- First Name Last Name, Code: C27OO3

Why should I use Class Kick?
1.) To prepare for my QUEST tomorrow.
2.) If I "Raise my Hand", then I can ask questions to Ms. Brauer and she can answer them LIVE!! She will answer questions until 11 p.m. TONIGHT!!!!
3.) It has the stuff we worked on today in class (WITH ANSWERS) AND extra PROOF practice!

Monday, February 13

Geometry - We concluded our in-class review of congruence in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.

No HW for Tuesday, other than to prepare for the quiz.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 4.3 - 4.6, 4.8, and 5.1 in class TOMORROW, February 14.

College Algebra - We continued our in-class review for the upcoming Ch. 5 Test.

HW for Tuesday - Complete the worksheet packet that was distributed in class on Friday.

Assessment Alert - We will complete the Ch. 5 summative assessment (TEST) in class on Wed, Feb. 15, and Thu, Feb. 16.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday, February 10

Geometry - We continued our review of congruent triangles, focusing on proofs involving congruent triangles (Sec. 4.4 - 4.6).

HW for Monday - Complete the worksheet packet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We will complete the Ch. 4 Quest (more than a quiz, less than a test) in class next Tuesday, February 14.  Sections covered on this assessment include 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.8, and 5.1.

College Algebra - We completed in the Sec. 5.6 - 5.7 quiz in class today.

HW for Monday - Complete the worksheet packet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - Upcoming schedule:
Friday, Feb. 10 - Complete 5.6 - 5.7 Quiz
Monday, Feb. 13 - Review 5.1 - 5.2 Quiz and 5.3 - 5.5 Quiz
Tuesday - Review 5.6 - 5.7 Quiz and prepare for Ch. 5 Test
Wednesday, Feb. 15 - Complete traditional portion of the Ch. 5 Test
Thursday, Feb. 16 - Complete the online (MyMathLab) portion of the Ch. 5 Test

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday, February 9

Geometry - We continued our review of congruent triangles (Ch. 4).

HW for Friday - Complete the worksheet packet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We will complete the Ch. 4 Quest (more than a quiz, less than a test) in class next Tuesday, February 14.  Sections covered on this assessment include 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.8, and 5.1.

College Algebra - We worked in the Sec. 5.6 - 5.7 quiz in class today.

No HW for Friday.

Assessment Alert - Upcoming schedule:
Friday, Feb. 10 - Complete 5.6 - 5.7 Quiz and review 5.3 - 5.5 Quiz
Monday, Feb. 13 - Review 5.6 - 5.7 Quiz and prepare for Ch. 5 Test
Tuesday, Feb. 14 - Complete traditional portion of the Ch. 5 Test
Wednesday, Feb. 15 - Complete the online (MyMathLab) portion of the Ch. 5 Test

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday, February 8

Shortened periods today as we follow Schedule E!!!!!

Geometry - We continued our review of congruent triangles, focusing of proofs involving congruent triangles.

HW for Thursday - Complete the three proofs that were written on the board in class  AND  complete

Assessment Alert - We will postpone tomorrow's quiz and continue our work with congruent triangles.  Instead, we will take a quiz covering Sec. 4.3 - 4.8 (w/ Sec. 5.1) in class next Tuesday, February 14.

College Algebra - We completed our review of Sec. 5.6 - 5.7 in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.

No HW for Thursday, other than to continue preparing for our quiz covering Sec. 5.6 - 5.7.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 5.6 - 5.7 in class on Thursday, February 9.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday, February 7

Geometry - We continued using congruent triangles to help us prove additional relationships (Sec. 4.8, 5.1).

HW for Wednesday - In the textbook, complete pg. 276  #3-10 and pg. 304  #2-3, #5-6, #14-16.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 4.3 - 4.8 in class on Thursday, February 9.

College Algebra - We continued our review of exponential, logarithmic, and logistic functions (Sec. 5.6, 5.7).

HW for Wednesday - Complete the Sec. 5.6 Pt 2 HW posted on MyMathLab.

Assessment Alert - We will complete the summative assessment for Ch. 5 in class on Thursday, February 9 (MyMathLab) and Friday, Febraury 10 (traditional).

Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday, February 6

Geometry - We continued our discussion of proofs involving congruent triangles, investigation options AFTER we have proven that two triangles are congruent (Sec. 4.6).

HW for Tuesday - Complete the proof worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 4.3 - 4.8 in class on Thursday, February 9.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of regression involving exponential, logarithmic, and logistic functions (Sec. 5.7).

HW for Tuesday - Complete the Sec. 5.7 HW assigned on MyMathLab.  This assignment is open until 1:00 pm on Tuesday, February 7.

Assessment Alert - We will complete the summative assessment for Ch. 5 in class on Thursday, February 9 (MyMathLab) and Friday, Febraury 10 (traditional).

Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday, February 3

Geometry - We continued our discussion of ways to prove triangles congruent (Sec. 4.4 -4.5).

HW for Monday - Complete the Proof worksheet that was distributed in class today.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of exponential and logarithmic function, using regression to calculate functions to model a given data set (Sec. 5.7).

HW for Monday - In the textbook, complete pgs. 441 - 442  #6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 18.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday, February 2

Geometry - We continued our discussion of congruent polygons, focusing on the basic ways to prove that two triangles are congruent - SSS, SAS, AAS (Sec. 4.4, 4.5).

HW for Friday - In the textbook, complete pgs. 245 - 247  #1-3, #5-6, #13-18.

Ms. Brauer / 12:00 - Complete pgs 246 - 247  #11-18

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of exponential and logarithmic functions to model "real-world" relationships (Sec. 5.7).

HW for Friday - Read Sec. 5.7 in the text, taking notes and preparing for tomorrow's class discussion relating to this section.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Wednesday, February 1

Geometry - We continued our discussion of congruence (Sec. 4.3).

Note to 7:00 class:  After you complete the worksheet packet in class, open this GSP file.  Work thru each page and return to class on Thursday prepared to discuss how basic transformations can be used to determine if two figures are congruent.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of logarithmic and exponential equations (Sec. 5.6).

HW for Thursday - Complete the Sec. 5.6 HW pt 1 assignment posted on MyMathLab.

Tuesday, January 31

Geometry - We completed a quiz in class today covering transformations (Sec. 12.1 - 12.4).

HW for Wednesday - Read Sec. 4,3 in the textbook and complete pgs. 234 - 236  #1-10, #13-18, #22-23, and #31-33.

College Algebra - We completed the Sec. 5.3 - 5.5 quiz in class today.

HW for Wednesday - Read Sec. 5.6 in the textbook.

Tuesday, January 31

Geometry - We completed a quiz in class today covering Sec. 12.1 - 12.4 (Transformations).

HW for Wednesday - Read Sec. 4.3 and complete pgs. 234 - 236  #1-10, #13-18, #22-23, #31-33

College Algebra - We completed a quiz in class today covering Sec. 5.3 - 5.5 (Logarithms).

HW for Wednesday - Read Sec. 5.6 in the textbook and come to class prepared to discuss topics covered in this section.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday, January 30

Geometry - We completed our in-class review in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.  Click here for an answer key for today's in-class worksheet packet.  Click here to watch a video that explains how to locate the center of rotation in a problem like #6 on the Sec. 12.4 Reteach wksht.

No HW for Tuesday, other than to prepare for tomorrow's quiz.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 12.1 - 12.4 in class on Tuesday, January 31.

College Algebra - We completed our in-class review of Sec. 5.5 in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.

No HW for Tuesday, other than to prepare for tomorrow's quiz.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 5.3 - 5.5 in class on Tuesday, January 31.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday, January 27

Geometry - We continued our discussion of transformations, focusing on the connections between symmetry and rotations and reflections (Sec. 12.5).  Note:  Due to the Registration meeting for Freshmen held at 9:00 today, the 7:00 section will NOT be held accountable for the material in Sec. 12.5.

HW for Monday - Complete the Sec. 12.5 - Symmetry worksheet packet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - Due to the absence of Ms. Brauer at noon and my entire 7:00 class, we have postponed the Ch. 12 Quiz from Monday, Jan. 30, to TUESDAY, Jan. 31.

College Algebra - We continued our review of logarithms, focusing on applications of associated properties.  (Sec. 5.5)

HW for Monday - Complete the Sec. 5.5 HW assignment posted on MyMathLab.  This assignment closes at 9:00 am on Monday, Jan. 30.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 5.3 - 5.5 in class on TUESDAY, January 31.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday, January 26

Geometry - We continued our discussion of basic transformations, focusing on rotations (Sec. 12.3).

HW for Friday - Complete the worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 12.1 - 12.4 in class on Monday, January 27.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of logarithms (Sec. 5.4 - 5.5).

HW for Thursday - Complete the Sec. 5.4 HW posted on MyMathLab.   This assignment is open until 1:00 pm on Friday, Jan. 27.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 5.3 - 5.5 in class on Monday, January 27.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wednesday, January 25

Note: Ms. Brauer is now in charge of 12:00 Geometry.  though we will be moving at the same pace in all sections of Geometry, she will be making her own HW assignments each day.

 Geometry - We continued our discussion of congruence transformations, focusing on the composition of reflections known as a translation (Sec. 12.2).

HW for Thursday - In the textbook, complete pgs. 834 - 836  #11-20, #23, and #29-33.

Assessment Alert - We are scheduled to take a quiz covering Sec. 12.1 - 12.5 in class on Monday, January 30.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of logarithms, focusing on common vs natural logarithms and the change of base formula for logarithms (Sec. 5.4).

HW for Thursday - Complete the worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We are tentatively scheduled to take a quiz covering Sec. 5.3 - 5.5 in class on Friday, January 27.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

2017-18 Math Course Recommendations

Tonight, I posted a new "assessment" in TeacherEase that contains my recommendation for all Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors (in my classes) for the Math course you should enroll in for the 2017-18 school year.  You will be discussing the registration process with your counselors during a class meeting this Friday, January 27.

I used the following guidelines when making these recommendations:

* Recommendations are based on a combination of factors, most notably a student's score on the algebra  assessment administered last May and your performance in Geometry class during the fall semester.

* A follow-up assessment will be administered during the first week of school in the fall in ALL Alg 1 and Trig classes.  Based on the results of this assessment, some students may be given the opportunity to move from Alg 1 to Trig.  Conversely, some students will be highly encouraged to move from Trig back to Alg 1.  Ultimately, our goal is to place students into the Math course that best fits their demonstrated mastery of algebra concepts.  Please note that departmental guidelines do NOT allow Sophomores to register in Algebra 2.

* Students denoted "Trig (border)" have met the basic criteria for enrolling in Trig, but, in my opinion, are at high risk of struggling in this class.  You would benefit greatly from additional algebra review this summer in a program like ALEKS.  If you don't intend to review this summer, then I would DISCOURAGE you from enrolling in in Trig.  Instead, you would be best served by enrolling in Alg 1.

* Students denoted "ALEKS" have not met the basic criteria for enrolling in Trig and should register for Alg 1.  If you wish to take Trig next year, I highly encourage you to complete the ALEKS review program over the summer to prepare for the follow-up algebra assessment during the first week of school in this fall.  Your performance on this assessment will be the final factor in determining whether or not you can enroll in Trig.

*  Information regarding registration for the ALEKS review program will be available n the U-High Math Dept webpage.  You may contact our Math Department chairperson, Dr. Thompson, if you have questions or issues regarding the ALEKS program.

Tuesday, January 24

Geometry - We continued our discussion of transformations, focusing on reflections over multiple lines and lines other than the x- and y-axis (Sec. 12.4).

HW for Wednesday - Complete the Sec. 12.4 - Compositions worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert  - We are scheduled to take a quiz covering Sec. 12.1 - 12.5 in class on Monday, January 30.

College Algebra - We began our discussion of logarithmic functions (Sec. 5.4).

HW for Wednesday - Complete the logarithms worksheet that was distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We are tentatively scheduled to take a quiz covering Sec. 5.3 - 5.5 in class on Friday, January 27.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday, January 23

Geometry - We began our discussion of congruence transformations, focusing on reflections (Sec. 12.1).

HW for Tuesday - In the textbook, complete pgs. 827 - 828  #8, #13-18 and #20-26

College Algebra -We continued our discussion of exponential growth and decay (Sec. 5.3).

HW for Tuesday - Complete HW 5.3 Pt 2 posted on MyMathLab.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday, January 20

Geometry - We completed our Trigonometry Quiz (Sec. 5.8, 8.2-8.4) in class today.

No HW for Monday.

Note:  Ms. Brauer will take over the 12:oo section on Monday.

College Algebra - We continued our review of exponential functions, reviewing applications involving exponential growth and decay Sec. (5.3).

HW for Monday - Complete the HW packet that was distributed in class today.  Be prepared for a Quick Quiz in class on MONDAY covering this material.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday, January 19

Geometry - We continued our discussion of applications involving trig ratios, focusing on angles of elevation and depression (Sec. 8.4).

HW for Friday - Complete the worksheet packet that was distributed today in class.  Click here to see the answer key for this packet.

 Assessment Alert  - We will complete a quiz in class TOMORROW (Fri, Jan. 20) covering Sec. 5.8 and 8.1 - 8.4.

College Algebra - We completed a quiz in class today covering Sec. 5.1 - 5.3.

No HW for Friday.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday, January 18

Geometry - We continued our discussion of right triangle trig, focusing on applications involving trig ratios (Sec. 8.3).

HW for Thursday - Complete pgs 537 - 540  #1-15, #33-35, #48-50, #67-69

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 8.1 - 8.4 (plus Sec. 5.8) in class on Friday, January 20.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of exponential equations (Sec. 5.3).

No HW for Thursday.

Assessment Alert - The Sec. 5.1 - 5.3 Quiz has been postponed to Thursday, Jan. 19.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday, January 17

Geometry - We continued our discussion of right triangle trig, focusing on the calculation of basic trig ratios (Sec. 8.3).

HW for Wednesday - Complete the worksheet(s) that were distributed in class today.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering Sec. 8.1 - 8.4 (plus Sec. 5.8) in class on Friday, January 20.

College Algebra - We spent the hour reviewing for tomorrow's quiz covering Sec. 5.1 - 5.3.

No HW for Wednesday.

Assessment Alert - We will complete a quiz covering  Sec. 5.1 - 5.3 in class tomorrow.

Monday, January 16

No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, January 13

Thursday, January 12

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wednesday, January 11

Geometry - We continued our discussion of special right triangles (Sec. 5.8), reviewing the relationships in 30-60-90 triangles. We then discussed the "differences" between arithmetic and geometric means (Sec. 8.1).

HW for Thursday - Complete the two worksheets that were distributed in class today.

College Algebra -

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tuesday, January 10

Geometry - We completed our discussion of Sec. 5.8, focusing on the relationships in 30-60-90 triangles.

HW for Wednesday - Complete the worksheet that was distributed in class.

College Algebra - We began our discussion of Sec. 5.1, focusing on operations involving multiple functions.

HW for Wednesday - Complete the Sec. 5.1 HW posted on MyMathLab.  This assignment will be open through the end of the hour on Wednesday.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday, January 9

Geometry - We began our discussion of trigonometry by investigating the relationships in a 45-45-90 (isosceles, right triangle) in Sec. 5.8.

HW for Tuesday - Complete this worksheet.

College Algebra - We completed the Ch. 5 Pre-Test in class today.

HW for Tuesday - Complete the Ch. 5 Pre-Test that is posted in MyMathLab.  The extra credit assignment will be open until 9:00 am on Tuesday.