Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday, February 24

7:00 - Geometry - We continued our discussion of the properties of "special" quadrilaterals, focusing on isosceles trapezoids (Sec. 6.6).

HW for Monday - Complete pgs. 412 - 414  # 18 - 31, #40 - 43  AND  pgs. 432 - 433  #4 - 10, #14 - 19, #23 - 25, #27 - 32.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 - Geometry - Contact Ms. Brauer for additional information.

College Algebra - We completed our discussion of Sec. 6.2, focusing on CO trig functions (tangent/cotangent, sine/cosine, secant/cosecant) and converting angle measures given in degrees-minutes-seconds.

HW for Monday - Complete the Sec. 6.2 - pt 3 - Applications HW posted on MyMathLab.  This assignment will be open through Monday morning.

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