Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday, February 22

7:00 - Geometry - We completed the Sec. 6.1 - 6.3 Quiz n class today.  When finished, students began their investigation of additional "special" quadrilaterals (Sec. 6.4, 6.6).

HW for Thursday - Use this GSP file to assist you in the creation of a list of properties for each of the following quadrilaterals:  rectangle, rhombus, square, kite, trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid.

8:00 / 12:00 / 2:00 - Geometry

College Algebra - We used the shortened class period to catch up on missing assessments and to complete a HW assignment covering the Pythagorean Thm and special right triangles.

HW for Thursday - Complete the Sec. 6.1 Pt 1 online HW assignment posted on MyMathLab.

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