Monday, October 18, 2010

Friday, October 15

We had a substitute teacher today, as Mr. Sondgeroth was in Springfield presenting at the state math teachers' convention.

Alg 2 / Trig - We attempted to complete the Ch. 2 Test in class today, but not everyone was able to finish. Those that could, where asked to come into the Math Office during a free hour to finish. Those that could not will be given a chance to do so in class on Monday. HW for Monday - Complete the "Are You Ready?" section on pg 179 #1-24.

College Algebra - We completed the Linear Programming portion of our Chapter 2 Test in class today. HW for Monday - Complete the Enrichment packet that was distributed in class.

Frosh Geometry - Students worked on a Matrix Logic packet that was collected at the end of the hour. HW for Monday - Complete the Table/Circle Logic worksheet packet that was distributed in class.

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