Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 23

Algebra 2 / Trig - We completed our review for Thursday's test over Ch. 6. No HW for Thursday, other than to prepare for the test. Students were encouraged to "look over" the review materials on pgs. 474 - 477.

College Algebra - We continued our discussion of trig identities, focusing on sum and difference identities in Sec. 7.3. HW for Thursday - Complete pgs. 459-460 #17-18, #27-28, #30-32, and #37-40 and pgs. 442-443 #15-25 odd.

Frosh Geometry - We began our discussion of Ch. 8, focusing on geometric means and their existence in a right triangle. No HW for Thursday. However, students should prepare for a short quiz on Thursday covering Sec. 5.8.

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