Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday, Septemeber 6

I enjoyed meeting many of your parents at Open House last night.  If your parents were not able to attend, please take time this weekend to share this blog with them.  Be sure to show them the tabs at the top of the page that highlight the course syllabus retake policy.  Geometry students should also view the calendar and final exam links.

Geometry - We completed our first quiz in class today (Sec. 1.1, 1.2, 1.6).  HW for Friday - Read Sec. 1.3 (Angles) and complete the following tasks:
- Create a "Notes" sheet where you highlight the key terms and relationships from this section
- Complete pages 24 - 26  #4-9, #15-17, #19-24, #31-32, #34-38

Modern Math - We continued our work in Ch. 1.

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