Thursday, February 6, 2014

Recommendations for 2014-15

The final day for me to sign your recommendation sheet is TOMORROW - February 7.  If you have not already done so, please see me after class or during one of my free periods to secure the necessary signature.

Remember, the assumption is that students enrolled in Geometry will enroll in Algebra 1 as a sophomore.  If you feel that you have the necessary requisites to enroll in Algebra 2 / Trig, then you need to sit down and talk with me about your placement.  I will take the following issues into account:
1) Junior High, math class taken, grade earned in spring
2) scores on EXPLORE and ALEKS assessments
3) 1st semester grade in Geometry

If you or your parents have additional questions, they can e-mail me at  Ultimately, the decision on which math class to take rests with you and your parents.  If you choose to take a class that I do not recommend, then you need to complete the appropriate OVERRIDE form in the counseling center.

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