Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday, March 4

8:00 Geometry - We continued our discussion of quadrilaterals, focusing on the properties of parallelograms (Sec. 6.2).  HW for Wednesday - complete pgs. 395 - 396  #15-24 and #32-43.

Note:  We will take a quiz covering Sec. 6.1 - 6.3 in class on Thursday, March 6.

1:00 and 2:00 Geometry - Ms. Kachinsky is teaching both afternoon sections of Geometry.  To follow the going-on in her sections, please go to ... www.kachinskymath.weebly.com

Modern Math - We continued our review of Ch. 6 in preparation for Thursday's test.  HW for Wednesday - Complete pgs. 233 - 235  #50-52, #55-57, #60, #62-67.  (Students were given time in class to work on these problems in small groups).

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